Chapter 12: Arrogance

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As usual, another failure means another trip to VIRTUE. Once again, my defeated family and I sat in the director's office once again.

"Ah. So Ratlord escaped too, huh?"

"Yes..." Greed said, reluctantly.

"I see. Well, with your failure to capture both Panther, and Ratlord, I think from now on I'll just be assigning you regular criminals, instead of giving you a villain to chase after."

"What?! But-" Pride was interrupted by the director.

"Sins. It seems that maybe you're not cut out for hero work..."

"Then why don't you send heroes to do this fucking bullshit!" Wrath yelled.

"Wrath. calm down! Don't get loud with the director." Said Greed.

"You know what? NO! FUCK THIS! AND FUCK YOU!" She said furiously, getting up and walking out.

"I'm so sorry for her, director..." Lust said, in an apologetic tone.

The director pulled the file folder out of his jacket, and slid it down the table, to the sins.

"No Villians this time. Which means, I'm lowering your pay."

Greed was furious, but did his best to keep calm in the situation.

Winston picked us up from the VIRTUE headquarters, and drove us back to the mansion. To my suprise, this time, I didn't get in trouble for following them. It was a long night for all of us. I straightened my room up a bit, before getting into bed, and falling asleep.


Dad and Leonard were in the office, talking.

"Any signs of Panther or Ratlord?" Dad asked

"Nope. I've checked everywhere. Even hacking into police scanners and cameras."

"Well then, that's very frustrating..."

"Yeah. But the freshman fieldtrip to the Futurecorp headquarters is tommorow. And I emailed the freshman science teacher, and he agreed to let me chaperone. But, the bad news is that I'm gonna be with the class the whole time."

"So, are you saying that you can't look for the main computer?!"

"That's exactly right. Which means Joe will have to do it."

"Leonard. I've changed my mind, I don't think I want Joe getting involved. I mean, he was in enough trouble for fighting the school bully."

"It's the only way. Also, I was able to do some intense hacking, and found blueprints for the building. Unfortunately though, the blueprints remain confidential for the seventieth floor and above. But with some intense fighting with a the strongest firewall I've ever seen, I found that the main computer is on the fiftieth floor, in the main lab. All Joe has to do is take the elevator up, go into the lab, and use this USB to download the employee files."

"I guess if it's the only way. But what made you change YOUR mind about Joe doing this?"

"If I daresay, Joe has grown quite a bit. I've even noticed that trying to become close with Madeline. Shit. If he's got the guts for that, I think sneaking around a lab with the proper tools won't be much of a challenge for him."

"Well put, Leonard. Now go get some sleep. We all need it after that intense fight with The Ratlord."

I woke up the next day, and rubbed my eyes. It was sunday, which obviously meant no school. But, one thing is still bothering me. Marvin. He took a serious beating yesterday. I might as well go check on him, I thought. I got up, and opened the door, walking out in to the hall, and over to the massive landing floor. The window from yesterday got repaired it looks like. I'm REALLY shocked that I didn't get yelled at for that. Walking down the hall, I bumped into Alex, who was eating a rat. Looking at it, I about threw up.

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