Chapter 4: Sinful Sunday

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It was a little after six this morning. I woke up, and rubbed my head, as I had a bit of a headache.

"Ugh. What time is it?"

I stretched and looked at the alarm clock. It was six thirty. I was a half hour late.

"Holy shit!" I pulled the blankets off and raced into the bathroom. After taking a quick shower, I got dressed grabbed my backpack and dashed down the hallway. Unfortunately for me though, my shoe came untied and I fell down the stairs, and landed on the marble floor below.

"Ugh. Rough landing..."

Alex walked passed me, eating a bowl of cereal.

"What are you doing?" She said with a full mouth

I got up, and picked my bag up.

"Are you late for school too?"

She facepalmed.

"Uh, dude. It's Sunday. School isn't until tomorrow." She said, laughing


I walked over into the living room and sat on the couch, frustrated. I saw that mom, Madeline, Grace, and Alex were all sitting next to each other, looking on the computer.

"Aww. That one's cute. You should get that."

"Think it'd look good on me?" Grace asked.

"What's going on?" Leonard rolled over, asking.

"Grace is wanting to go out clothes shopping.

"Girls. All they do is take money, and horde clothes."Leonard just rolled his eyes, before rolling away.

"Heh. Right?" Marvin chuckled.

Madeline looked at him, giving him a horrifying death stare...

"Umm. Girls, yeah. They can be freakishly strong too!"

Madeline squinted, before turning away from him.

"Can you guys take me to that Japanese steakhouse for dinner?" Alex asked

"Sure thing sweetie. Your father will pay for it all!"

"Great! I'm gonna ask for extra everything! Maybe they'll give some to me, raw!"

"Alex, you're weird." Grace said.

"Are not!"

"Are too."

Madeline gave both Alex and Grace a psychotic stare, making the two girls instantly stop bickering.

"What about you mom?"

"Well, I might get myself some new l-"

She stopped talking when she saw me.

"Oh. Good morning Joe..."

"Oh! Joe! Should I get pink or purple one?"

"And should I get my steak with human blood and flesh?"

"That's disgusting Alex!"

Grace and Alex began bickering at each other, again.

"Madeline. You should come too! It'll be a girls night out!"

She shrugged.

"I'm sorry Joe. We're just talking about a girls night out." Mom said.

"Oh. Guessing I can't come..."

"It's girls night out, wise guy. Of course not!" Said Grace, rudely.

I walked away from that conversation, with slight embarrassment. Then Marvin walked by.

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