Chapter 25: A Declaration

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My friends and I glanced over, and saw a shadowy figure approaching. When he stepped into the light, it was none other than Milton.

"Well. This is startling. It seems you're still alive..."

"We're not gonna let you destroy the world Milton!"

"Oh? And what are three punk teenagers gonna do about it?"

"Please... Stop this..."

All four of us looked up at the decayed body, attached to the machine.

"Shut the fuck up, you disgusting pig! You brought this on yourself!"

"What do you mean? You're the one doing this, Milton!"

"Not quite. Listen to what he has to say."

The man attached to the machine groans in pain, before beginning to talk.

"My name... Is Dennis Flynn. Some may know me as the serial rapist known as the Butcher.

We were all shocked.

"Wait! You're the Butcher?!" Jack asked, shockingly.

"You know this guy, Jack?" I asked.

"Not personally. But I've heard off him. He was a big time criminal known to lure women and girls into traps, and do horrible things to them!"

Dennis looked at us in severe pain, as he began to talk.

"One night. I met one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in the entire world. She was perfect in everyway... I've been tracking her for years. It was the night off a bad thunderstorm..."


A little redhead boy and his mother were running through the rain, trying to get out of the storm. The woman stopped running when she saw man in front of her.

"You can't run forever my love..."

"You sick bastard! Look at all the people that you hurt because of your disgusting fantasies!"

"Oh, but dear. I've been saving the best for last..."

The man quickly grabbed her hand, and held his knife up to her throat.

"Follow me."

He began pulling her into an alleyway. The woman's son was trying to catch up, but tripped and fell onto the sidewalk.

"Mommy. No! Please don't hurt her!"

He shoved her against a wall, and pressed the blade against her throat.

"Now take your clothes off!"

"No! You disgusting-"

He smacked her hard across the face.

"Do it now, or I'll kill you!"

The woman began crying.

"Leave my mommy alone!" The little boy cried out.

"Milton! Sweetie, run!"

The man pushes her onto the ground, and dashes at Milton, grabbing his head, and slamming it, into a brick wall.

"MILTON, NO!" His mother began crying even more.

"Now! If there are no more interruptions!" He said, dropping his knife, as he walked over to her, with a psychotic grin on his face.

The alley echoes with the woman's screams. But no one came to help. Milton was laying on the ground bleeding.

"HELP ME! PLEASE!" She screamed.

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