Chapter 8: Girls In Silver

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As the week went by, The Seven Sins each captured several criminals, and turned them in to the police. New files were added, and everything seemed well. However there was one file from the first batch that they recived, that continued to evade both the Sins, and the authorities. This was no ordinary criminal however. This was a real supervillain. The infamous Panther. The director didn't seem too happy that Panther still hasn't been caught yet. But, the Sins don't really tell me to much about their "hero" work. Mom and dad, or should I say Lust and Greed don't want me to get involved, because I'm not a "superhero" like them.

It was a usual school day. I was sitting at lunch with Jack, Kyle, and suprisingly Sloan.

"So guys! I won three tickets to a magic show tonight! Who wants to go?

"Uh. Me, dumbass!"


Jack looked at me.

"What about you, Joe?"

"Yeah! I'd love to!"

Jack then thought for a second.

"Oh wait. I only have three tickets. What if... If you invite Kyle and I over one night, then you can go!"

"Obviously this is just a chance for them to hang around my sisters. But I didn't care. I like magic shows."

"Yeah! Sure."

"Sweet. Sorry Sloan. You're out."

"Oh fuck you, Jack!" He said, getting up, and leaving."

"Oh yeah! Are you sisters single?"

I knew this was coming.

"I don't know, man!"

In like two more hours, school was over, and as usual, mom picked me up, and took me home.

Upstairs in dad's office, he and Leonard were talking.

"So. Have you figured out anything about our villain?"

"Sadly no. I've searched the entire internet, but haven't found a single trace of her."

"Ugh. Keep looking. Also..."


"You remember the incident at the power plant?"

Leonard's expression turned from serious, to just strait up annoyed.

"Oh yeah. Don't even bother. I've done everything I could imaginable. Whoever was behind that. They're long gone."

"There's nothing you can do? There has to be something!"

"Look. I've tried hacking into that thing all damn week. Ever since the attack happened. But no luck. Whoever the Binary Bard is, they're very good. They've managed to cover up all their tracks. From erasing the security footage at the power plant, to setting up an unhackable firewall in that tablet we found. Unless they attack again, then there's nothing we can do."

"Actually, I've been thinking. The only place in this whole city where someone could get real cyborgs, is Futurecorp."

"What are you saying? That an employee at Futurecorp is behind that attack?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying! Think about it! From the cyborgs themselves, to the pods that contained the stolen electricity. All of that was tech that couldn't have come from anywhere else!"

"Look dad. Even if your right, Futurecorp is a multi billion dollar, international corperation! There's millions of employees all over the world. And it's not like I can hack into their database to find anything."

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