Chapter 28: Countdown To Destruction

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With all of her strength, Wrath was able to bust down one more door, which lead to the control room of the satellite. Looking up, Binary Bard was seen at the main control unit.

"Milton. All systems are go for the Satellite." Xenostromm said over an intercom.

Binary Bard smirked before smashing the power button. However, nothing was happening.

"What's going on? Why isn't it firing?!"

"Milton. It needs a few minutes to warm up. We've overpowered it."

"God damn it! I need it to fire, NOW!" Milton said before punching the wall, leaving a big dent.

Wrath had finally reached the top, and picked up a chair, throwing it at Binary Bard.

Binary Bard turned around just in time, to catch the chair, and smash it against a wall.

"You're far too late to stop me! Once this infernal machine warms up, there will be no stopping the Armageddon!"

"You really are pathetic Milton. You're so afraid of people, that you need to kill them all, just to feel better about yourself. Do you honestly think that person you cared about so much, would be proud of you?"

"You shut your fucking mouth! I lost my mother because of disgusting humans! And now every single one of you is going to be incinerated!" Binary Bard lashed out.

"Milton, stop this!"

I rushed into the control room as fast as I could, to see both Wrath and Binary Bard about to face off.

"All of you are ignorant fools! You can't stop humanity's demise!"

Suddenly, the room began to split, with myself on one side, and Wrath and Binary Bard on the other. Then, the dragon mecha from Milton's hideout rose from in between the floors. Using his rocket boots, Milton shot himself into the cockpit, and closed it. The dragon flew through the ceiling, and out into space. Wrath quickly turned to face me.

"Joe! Get your ass down those stairs right now! You can't breathe while you're up here!" Wrath said.

"But what about you?! And what even happened to you?!

"No time to talk! I'm gonna put this delusional misanthrope in his place!" Wrath said, before releasing her anger, into power, blasting through, following Binary Bard.

"Madeline. Be careful..."

Meanwhile, back down on earth.

The remaining sins, as well as the military, and VIRTUE agents were doing there absolute best to fight off Binary Bards cyborgs. Thanks to Futurecorps' secret weapon projects, every person fighting made short work of the robots. But there were just way too many.

"We can't hold this many off! We're fucked!" Sloth yelled out, as he was blasting them.

"Ha! We're done, when I say we're done!" Pride said, as his futuristic boxing gloves punched holes through the cyborgs.

Gluttony was using her chainsaw named "Tableknife", to hack apart as many cyborgs are possible.

Lust, with minimal effort, cut the heads, clean off the cyborgs with her Futurecorp swords.

Envy used two blasters to instantly kill every enemy in sight.

With their combined efforts, they managed to kill every single one of them.

"Wouldn't surprise me if more reinforcements showed up soon" Sloth said, as he dropped to his knees.

"I thought you don't even need to move in that suit?" Pride asked.

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