Shining Beacon

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You sat on top of a building in Vale staring at the night sky. It's been a year since you left the white fang, although you don't regret leaving you wondered how everyone's been, you've been hearing rumors about the white fang becoming more violent recently with Ghira stepping down as leader. Your thoughts were suddenly cut off by the sound of an explosion from the streets below, you leaned over see a girl in a red hood fighting off some thugs. Though she was out numbered she held her own pretty well. You watch as a man in a white suit who you recognized as Roman Torchwick pointed his cane in her direction, a projectile flew towards her and explodes on contact knocking her back. You watched as he then runs and climbs up a nearby building.

You: I should mind my own business but~ where's the fun in that.

You jump from building to building until you got to the one that Torchwick was on. He turns to look at you in annoyance.

Roman: Oh great another pest, care to move along I'm a very busy man.

You: Nope, don't think so. It's not every night you run into a famous crime lord.

Roman: Sorry kid I don't do autographs but if your interested in a job I do have a couple openings.

You grin at him as you rested your hand on your sword taking your fighting stance.

You: Nah I think I'll just take you in.

Suddenly  you hear a gun shot, you and Roman both turn to see the girl in the red hood, she points her scythe at you both ready for a fight. Roman uses the opportunity to run to the edge of the building as a bullhead ship comes into view.

Roman: (Getting on ship) End of the line kids!

Torchwick throws a red dust crystal in between you and the girl in red before firing off a shot to detonate it causing a massive explosion. You braced yourself for the blast, when the smoke cleared you were fine and a blonde woman in a purple cape is now in between you and red , casting a circle of protection over you both with her wand.

You: Woah.

The woman then waves her weapon and summons several streaks of purple at the craft. Knocking the ship off balance. She then glows purple for a moment and aims another blast above the craft, resulting in a dark storm cloud right over the ship raining down ice shards. A woman in a red dress then appears in place of Roman, she shoots a blast of fire at the blonde woman who uses a barrier to block. You then noticed a glow on the ground beneath you all, without hesitation you pushed red out of the way as fire erupts under you enveloping you completely.

Red: (panicked) Hey! Are you ok!?

The fire starts to fade showing you unharmed with your hand on your sword.

You: Yeah, just peachy.

The red parts of your hair starts to glow and a black & red aura surrounds your sword. You then slash with your blade firing off a energy strike.

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