Fall (Vol 3)

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Tobias's POV

Cinder: The final stages of our plan is about to begin, Mercury you will handle the first match and Emerald I expect you to handle the Nikos girl during hers.

Emerald: Of course.

Mercury: Got it.

All their gazes then go to me as I leaned against the wall closest to the door of the room.

Cinder: I take it you don't have a problem with this arrangement Tobias.

Tobias: This is stupid.

Mercury: Could it be that good ole Tobi is having a change of heart?

Emerald: He has been less hostile towards those kids lately maybe he's gone soft on us.

I glare at them as I slammed my tail against the ground.

Tobias: Unless you want me to take you both out right here I'd suggest you watch yourself.

Cinder: Now, now. Tobias you'll get to enjoy your match in the tournament completely uninterrupted.

Tobias: ....Whatever, do what you want.

Cinder: (smiles) I plan to.

Y/n's POV

Port: (over the broadcasting system) Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The one-on-one finals!

You sat with the rest of your team while they announced the pairings for the finals. In the center of the battlefield's stage, Yang smirks confidently as the big screen goes down the line of final fighters, a few new faces mixed in with Sun, Penny, Mercury,Pyrrha, and Tobias who is at the end of the line looking bored at the event.

Port: (back in the announcer's box with his co-host) Barty, why don't you explain the rules?

Oobleck: Ah, it's quite simple, Peter. Instead of a bracket system, each round of the finals will be randomly determined immediately before the match takes place!

Port: Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to prepare!

Oobleck: Ah, yes, yes! Now, let's see who our first match will be!

The energetic doctor points out to the screens above the stadium as the roulette starts spinning, this time for competitors instead of biomes. The cheers echoed through the coliseum until the roulette stop on the fighters for the first match.

Port: Yang Xiao Long and Mercury Black!

Ruby: (cupping her hands to make sure her encouragement is heard) Break a leg.

Vlad: (standing up cheering) Give em Hell honey!

Port: Would all other combatants please leave the stage!

You: This is going to be good.

Wendy: Come on Yang!

Yang: (smiling) You better not go easy on me.

Mercury: (laughing darkly) You wish.

Both brawlers face the crowds one last time, then slowly start advancing on each other, arms raised defensively until their hands can almost touch, as the final countdown commences.

Port: Three! Two! One! Begin!

Immediately, Yang throws a punch, and Mercury spins his foot to meet it, creating a shockwave between the weapons that launches him back. He closes the distance quickly and aims at her feet with his boot, but she leaps over it and fires off a shot of her Ember Celica that he rotates to avoid. They fight fist-to-fist for a moment, Yang getting in a fiery blast on her opponent at the cost of him also landing a blow on her. She falls back on her feet when Mercury shoots himself into the air to get farther away from her, looking up and smiling.

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