Pride and Predujice

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All eyes in the room where on the brand on your back, their stares felt as if they burning holes into your skin until you put your shirt back on to cover your shame. You then turned to see everyone giving you a pitying look.

Yang: Y/n, I'm so sorry.

Wendy: Yeah it's terrible that you had to go through that.

You: (chuckles) I didn't show you all that to get any sympathy, I wanted you all to see the darker side of the world. What people in power do to those they consider inferior. (To Weiss) I won't justify what the fang has done recently but you should at least know that most faunus didn't have a choice and this is coming from a former member.

The room fell silent again as everyone except Vlad stared at you in surprise.

Weiss: Your one of them?

You: I was, I left and so did Blake.

Weiss: So you lied too, to us and your teammates!

Vlad: Actually Ice Queen, I already knew since day one.

Weiss: And your ok with it? Wendy what about you?

You avoided looking at Wendy as you stood waiting for her answer.

Wendy: Who cares.

You and Weiss had the same look of shock on your faces.

Weiss: Excuse me?

Wendy: He's still the same Y/n, that's kind, caring and always willing to help someone in need.

Vlad: (smirks) She's not wrong, he's the same impulsive idiot I choose to be my partner.

Yang: Yeah I'm with them, Y/n and Blake are our friends.

Ruby: (cheering) Yeah!

You take a few steps closer to Weiss.

You: Even though I said I hated your family name, I don't hate you Weiss, I'd honestly like for us to continue being friends and believe me when I say no one in the white fang wanted equality more than Blake.

You turned you gaze to the rest of team RWBY and bowed your head slightly.

You: Please don't let her past affect how you see her now.

You rose your head to see that sad expressions on Ruby and Yang's faces but Weiss seemed conflicted.

Weiss: I'm sorry I need some time to think.

Wendy: Oh come on Weiss-

You: (cutting Wendy off) That's fair, it's been a long day we should all get some sleep.

Yang: Yeah that sounds good.

You: Let me know when if she doesn't come back tonight.

Ruby: We will.

You left the RWBY dorm followed by Vlad and Wendy, as you all headed back to your dorm you let of a long sigh before you were suddenly kicked in the back and knocked to the ground.

Wendy: You idiot!

You: (confused) Huh?

Wendy: That was for not telling me you were in the white fang.

You: (looking down) I'm sorry I just didn't know how'd you react.

She goes to kick you again but this time was picked up by Vlad who held her back.

Wendy: (angry) I'm your teammate, I don't care that you were a part of them, it just hurts that you didn't think you could trust me. (To Vlad) And you too, You never said anything.

Vlad: (putting her down) It wasn't my secret to tell.

You stood back up and patted the top of Wendy's head surprising her a bit.

You: I'm sorry Wendy, I promise from here on I won't keep anymore secrets.

Wendy: (smiling) Good.

You: You guys get some sleep, I'm going for a walk.

Vlad: A walk?

Wendy: This late at night?

You: Yup a very enthusiastic walk, I'll be sure to call you guys if I run into trouble.

{Time Skip}

It was pretty obvious that you had decided to go out and look for Blake and you wanted to do it on your own but you had no idea where to start looking after walking around Vale for a while you slumped down at the table outside of an late night cafe.

You: Damnit Blake where did you go?

???: Hey Faunus!

Instinctively you looked up, you saw two police officers walking towards you.

You: Hm?

Officer 1: You got a minute?

You: Sure.

Officer 2: Earlier tonight there was a mugging in this area.

You: Ok? Why ask me?

Officer 1: (eyeing Y/n's tail) The perp was described to be around average height with a tail.

You: Not very specific, even among faunus tails are common. What kind of tail we taking; Cat, dog, monkey, lizard.

The two cops looked at each other and nodded before looking back to you.

Officer 1: We're going to need you to come with us to the station and answer a few questions.

At the corner of your eye you could see the second officer reaching for his handcuffs.

You: (Sighs) For what? Your half assed accusations?
Be honest you saw a Faunus out at night and you're quick to jump to unjustifiable conclusions.

Officer 2: (cuffs in hand) I've heard enough are you going to come quietly or not!?

You: Not a chance.

You kicked the table that you were sitting at to the officers and used the opportunity to run. From behind you could hear them yelling.

Officer: I knew he was guilty, get that faunus.

You continued to run until you saw a nearby alley, running down the alley you appeared at dead end as the officers appeared at the entrance.

Officer 2: No where to run now.

You: (grins) Oh yeah?

You jumped from wall to wall of the alley and got to the roof, looking down the cops were livid as you gave them a peace sign and ran off. When you got far enough away you sat down on top of abandon building and looked up at the stars.

You: Vale really need to train their law enforcement better, I mean geez would it kill them to at least get some hard evidence before jumping to the fact-

The sudden realization hit you.

You: Wait that's it!

Weiss said how she thought the white fang was responsible for all the recent dust robberies but what if Blake is trying to prove the opposite.

You: If I want to find her I got to find the white fang and I know just the guy who can help.

Chapter End.

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