Fall of Beacon (Vol 3)

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Readers POV

Adam raises his sword over Vlad's head before bringing it down. As the blade came down there was a flash of metal as a circular blade came flying through the window aimed towards Adam. At closer inspection the blade is revealed to be a chakram, He backs away just barely dodging the attack as another chakram is thrown at him. Adam slashes at the blade but to his surprise the chakram suddenly changes direction avoiding the slash.

Adam: What!?

???: (Stands in front of Vlad) Sorry but you won't be able to stop my blades so easily.

Adam: (deflects chakrams) Tch another interference.

Vlad: (looks up) Wait aren't you?

The girl with the floppy rabbit ears turns her head to Vlad revealing herself as Garnet Yun of team IVRY.

Garnet: Sorry I'm late. (Notices his face) Oh my god.

Garnet sees Vlad holding his hand over his right eye as blood poured from the slash wound going down over his eye to the side of his face.

Vlad: (reaches for weapon) Don't worry, thanks to you I didn't lose my head.

Adam: I wanted to give you a swift end but now that seems to be off the table.

Tearing off a sleeve of his shirt and tying it around his wound, Vlad then grins Defiantly at Adam.

Vlad: Sorry but that was the only chance you were going to get. (Fires an arrow at him but misses by a hair)

Garnet: I think you should leave, your in no condition to fight, your aura's low and your only working with one eye.

Vlad: Shut up I'm fine, I can hit bullseyes with my eyes closed.

Garnet: (sighs) Fine but just want you to know that's a poor decision. (Prepares chakrams again)

Vlad: (aims Bow with a grin) Probably but it's mine to make.

Y/n's POV

You groaned as your eyes slowly opened, the night sky showed over you and you could hear the sounds of alarms in the distance. You suddenly jolted up remembering the situation at hand.

Wendy: Y/n! (Hugs Y/n)

You: (surprised) Wendy!? Your ok?

Wendy: Yeah I'm fine, thanks to my brother, it looks like he helped you too.

Your attention then went to Izaya who was sitting on the ground a few feet away from you, he looked exhausted. You then tried to stand up but as you did you felt a sharp pain in your side that made you fall back down.

Izaya: I'd take it easy if I was you, I only gave you first aid, push your self too much too soon and you'll most likely reopen your wound and bleed out.

Wendy: He's right you should rest, also I can't get a hold of Vlad or... (hesitant) Tobi.

You: Wendy I hate to say it but Tobias has been working with the guys that did this, he did this to me. (Holds side)

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