Night on the Town (Vol 2)

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{Vlad's POV}

The day had gone by like any other for team TWLT, we went to class, we had lunch with teams RWBY and JNPR and now we were just relaxing in our dorm the only difference was that our oh so dependable leader has been M.i.a since he left the library yesterday.

Wendy: I wonder where he could be?

Vlad: Who knows but this isn't really anything new, I'm sure he'll come walking through that door any minute now.

At that moment there was a knock at the door.

Vlad: Look at that, the pup found his way home.

I go to open the door and when I do I instantly regretted the decision, in front of me was Professor Goodwitch her presence as imposing as ever. She glares at me with cold eyes as she steps pass me into the room.

Glynda: Where is Mr Taurus? He's missed all his classes today including mine.

Vlad: Uh well you see.

Wendy: There's a good reason for that Professor.

She folds her arms and stares at Wendy and I expecting an answer.

Glynda: Well?

Wendy and I share a quick glance not sure what to tell her when surprisingly Tobias speaks out.

Tobias: He hasn't been feeling well lately so we insisted that he go to the school infirmary.

Glynda raises an eyebrow at him before letting out a small sigh.

Glynda: Hmmm he has been falling asleep lot in my class the pass couple of days, very well I'll leave his assignments here for his return.

Wendy: Thank you Professor, we'll make sure that he gets them.

Glynda: I would hope so, we wouldn't want you all to become ineligible for the Vytal tournament now would we?

Team: No ma'am!

Glynda: Thats what I thought, good day students.

She hands the small stack of papers to Wendy and proceeds to leave the room.

Vlad: (sigh of relief) That was a close one.

Wendy: no kidding, nice save there Tobi.

Tobias: Whatever I only did it so we don't get blocked from the tournament, so I suggest you go find him.

Wendy: Where would we even start to look?

Vlad: Knowing Y/n he's probably getting into trouble, and when there's trouble you can be sure team RWBY is going to be apart of it.

Tobias: (walking to door) Well you guys go check that out.

Wendy: Your not coming?

Tobias: I have my own business to take care of.

Vlad: Figures, alright lets go Wendy.

{Time Skip}

Once we got outside of team RWBY's dorm we could hear a lot of commotion coming from the inside. After a few knocks on the door it went quiet and Yang opens the door halfway to block me from seeing inside.

Yang: Oh hey babe what are you doing here?

Vlad: We wanted to ask if you've seen Y/n anywhere?

Yang: Nope, can't say that we have.

Vlad: (suspicious) I see, now next question what are you girls up to?

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