Breached (Vol 2)

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Your Team and team RWBY stand surrounded in the middle of the pavilion by Beowolves, Ursai, and a massive King Taijitu. The King Taijitu unleashes a mighty roar, signaling the Grimm to attack. Following your lead everyone else charged in to the fight. You faced down several beowolves that all dived towards you, dodging the attacks as they came you slashed through the Grimm but because of your earlier fight against Edward your reaction speed wasn't at its best. You heard a low growl from behind as a large Ursa looms over you, however before it could attack you Blake lands on its back and plunges her blade through its head killing it. She looks down at you from atop the dead Grimm with a smile, you smile back when you notice the King Taijitu ready for an attack, that's when Nora comes flying in on her Magnhild hammer towards the King Taijitu, slamming it on the head and killing the beast.

Nora: Nora Smash!

Wendy: Way to go Nora.

Vlad: That girl really scares me sometimes.

Jaune, Pyrrha and Ren soon follow in to join the battle.

You: Looks like the gangs all here.

Blake: (standing back to back with you) Better late than never.

More Grimm poured out as the fighting increases, you and Blake were now surrounded by a group consisting of beowolves and Creep Grimm. You readied your Umbra at the same time Blake raised her Gambol shroud, you both glanced and nodded at each other before dashing into the hoard of Grimm. You dove in first stabbing one Grimm then doing a half spin and cutting two more in half, An Alpha beowolf then rose up in front of you as Blake leaps over your head and kicks it on its back and stabbing it in the chest, you then noticed a Creep lunging towards Blake, without hesitation you threw your sword at it. She looks back at you surprised before calling out.

Blake: Y/n behind you!

You turned to see another Alpha beowolf.

You: Ah crap baskets.

Blake calls out to you as she throws you her Gambol Shroud. You catch the weapon, it was a lot lighter than your own but that means you were able to move a bit faster now. You parried the Alpha's attack and then went in for the kill. Looking back at Blake you saw her using your Umbra, you were surprised to see that she had no problems adapting to the weight difference and she even shifted her fighting style to one similar to your and Adam's. She struggled with another Alpha when you switched her weapon into its gun mode and fired off a few shots to distract it giving her the opportunity to finish it off. You wondered to yourself if this is how she and Adam usually fought together. The fighting started to die down when Team CFVY shows up with the Atlesian airships, Port and Oobleck regroup at the opening, nodding their heads. They fire their weapons at the approaching Grimm, while Glynda Goodwitch mops up the remnants and immediately closes the opening with the power of telekinesis.

You: (sitting on the ground) It's finally over.

Blake: Yeah the Professors and the military should be able to pick up the rest of the stragglers. Also here.

Blake holds out Umbra to you. You reach for the sword when your hand touches hers, you both stare at each other for what felt like a long time only snapping out of it when you heard a familiar voice.

Vlad: Do you two want a room or something?

Wendy:(elbows Vlad) Don't ruin their moment.

You both turned awkwardly to see both your teams around you staring in amusement. Blake blushes in embarrassment as she hands you your weapon and takes hers, she then turns away to hide her face as everyone laughs.

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