Dark Beacon (Vol 2)

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Wendy: Y/n wake up, we're supposed to go hang out with team RWBY and JNPR in the library today remember.

You: (sleepy) Ehhh, Just five more minutes.

Wendy: (annoyed) You said that 30 mins ago!

Vlad: Wouldn't be so tired if you haven't been out on the town with Blake so late at night.

You: Ok that you see that sass, I'm gonna need you to take it and shove it.

Wendy: Just get up.

You: (yawns) Man unless there's so sort of invasion going on, I'm sure there's no rush.

Tobias: Well If its an invasion you want, check this out.

You lazily sit up in your bed and look to Tobias who was pointing out the window to see large unnerving Atlas military ships landing in the distance.

You: Ok I was joking when I said that.

Wendy: Never mind that, they're probably just here for the festival. Now let's go.

With a big sigh you give in and started to get dressed and you all made your way to the library.

{Time skip}

In the library the members of team RWBY were enjoying themselves playing Remnant the board game, Vlad sat next to Yang cheering her on while Wendy watched with intense curiosity. At the other table was team JNPR, Ren was reading a rather large book with Nora sleeping on one half of it while Jaune was reading a comic until it was taken by Pyrrha who handed him a history book and then started to read the comic herself, and Tobias was strangely in the mythology section of the library skimming through many different books. As you sat at the table with team RWBY you tried your best not to fall asleep but your eyelids felt heavy as time past on, you were suddenly jolted awake by Weiss' who seemed to have did a thing.

Weiss: (psychotic laughter.) Y-yes! Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms!

You: Oh god she's finally lost it.

Vlad: I know right, what about their women.

Yang: Trap card...

Weiss: Huh?

Yang: (Yang shuffles the pieces on the board.) Your armies have been destroyed.

Weiss: (slumps in her chair, cries.) I hate this game of emotions we play.

Ruby hops into Weiss' lap.

Ruby: Stay strong, Weiss! We'll make it through this together!

Weiss: Shut up! (Weiss hugs Ruby.) Don't touch me!

Yang: (Putting her arms up behind her head.) Alright Blake, you're up!

Blake: Oh, um, sorry, what am I doing?

The last few nights you and Blake had checked warehouse after warehouse but found no trace of the white fang, it was clear that even now she was planning on the next location that they might be, needless to say her obsession with this was taking its toll on her more than you.

Yang: You're playing as Vale, trying to conquer the Kingdoms of Remnant!

Blake: Right.

Jaune: (Approaching the table.) Hey! Can I play?

Ruby: Sorry Jaune, we've already got 4 people.

Wendy: And me and Vlad are next.

Weiss: Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt that you possess.

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