Forever falls

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It was the night before the field trip to Forever falls, as you stared at the night sky you thought about the your past when you first joined the white fang, It was Sienna and her father that took you and Adam in after you both saved enough money from the dust mines to travel to the safe haven for Faunus, Menagerie. Sienna was like and big sister to us and her father trained us in the way of the sword, Adam was taught the ways of Iaido, drawing from the sheath to deal quick strikes to opponents and re sheathing the blade. While you on the other hand were taught Battōjutsu, a form that was more precise at drawing and striking in a single motion. The two styles much like you and Adam were considered siblings.

You: I should probably get to bed, don't want the team dragging me out of bed in the morning.

You headed inside the dorms and walked towards your room, as you did you noticed Jaune standing outside his dorm room staring at the door.

You: Hey Jaune haven't seen you in awhile, locked yourself out again?

Jaune: "Oh, uh, nope!" (raises his Scroll and laugh) Got it! But could say the same about you, it's like you've been avoiding us.

You: (awkward laugh) Well not all of you, come on let's talk for a bit.

You decide to sit next to Jaune's dorm room, as you sat down you gestured for him to tell you what's on his mind.

Jaune: "I, uh..." (he tries to come up with something, but just sighs and lowers his head) "I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have, and now Cardin has me on a leash, and Pyrrha won't even talk to me, and..." (breathes heavily through his nose) "I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea." (presses his back to his team's door and slides down to the floor next to you in depression) I'm a failure.

You: Being a leader isn't easy but that doesn't mean you should give up. Because if you do, your not just quitting on yourself, your quitting on your teammates who decided to follow you. Your team deserves a good leader Jaune and I willing to bet they wouldn't choose anyone but you.

You stand up and walked off to your room.

Jaune: Do you really believe that?

You: Doesn't matter if I do or not, as long as you believe it you'll be just fine, anyways night man.

You close the door leaving him in the hall.

{Time Skip}

At the trip at Forever fall the students were all tasked with gathering sap from the trees for Professor Peach by Glynda. You and your team decided to hang out with teams RWBY and JNPR except Jaune who went off with Cardin somewhere.

You: (filling Jar) This sap is really thick.

Wendy: (eating some sap) Yeah but it taste great.

You: (to Tobias) How'd you get so much already?

Tobias was laying on the ground next to a tree with three jars beside him while holding his fourth under the tap with his tail.

Tobias: Guess I just found the right tree.

Wendy: By the way, did you make up with Blake yet?

You: No not yet, it's complicated.

Wendy: What's complicated about it?

You: Every time we talk we just end up fighting.

Wendy: That doesn't mean you should give up.

Tobias: Yes it does, your distractions are making us weaker as a team.

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