Stray Cat

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You and your team are walking around the streets of Vale, looking around you can see the city is in preparation for the upcoming Vytal Festival.

Vlad: The Vytal festival is coming up, Man I can't wait to throw down in the tournament.

Tobias: For once I'm actually in agreement with you. But why did you lot drag me along with you?

Wendy: Come on Tobias, it's good to spend time together as a team besides Y/n here needs our help.

Tobias: (interested) Oh? Does he now?

You: First of all no I don't and second only asked if you knew of any good bookstores around here.

Vlad: Why do you want to find a bookstore?

Wendy: (happily) He wants to buy a book for Blake.

You: Wendy I'm never telling you anything again.

After a bit more walking you spot a book store with a name that you recognized.

You: Tukson? No it couldn't be.

You and the team enter the store, Wendy immediately goes to the romance section, Vlad picks up a comic and stares reading while Tobias shrugs and goes to browse through the mystery books as you head to the front desk and ring the bell.

Tukson: (from the backroom) Be right there.

You waited until you saw a tall man walking backwards out of the backroom carrying a stack of books.

Tukson: Welcome To Tukson's book trade, home to every book. (Turns around to see you and was instantly fearful) under the sun.

You: So it was you Tukson.

Tukson's eyes were wide with fear and you didn't understand why.

Tukson: (nervously) Mr Taurus, it's a surprise to see you.

You: You alright there man?

Tukson: I-I'm Fine.

You: Mind if we talk in the back?

Tukson stares at you for a moment, he looked like he was deciding whether he should run or do as you asked, after a moment he gestured for you to come to the back.

Tukson: Your here to drag me back to Adam aren't you?

You: What? No! What makes you think that?

Tukson: (confused) So your not here about the rumors about me trying to desert the white fang?

You: No I'm not, I've left the white fang over a year ago. What's got you so scared?

Tukson: (sighs and takes a seat) The fang isn't the same, it's less about peace and now more about instilling fear into humans against the faunus. I've been planning on leaving for a while now but it's been hard.

You: Why's that?

Tukson: Your brother, Adam doesn't take kindly to faunus that abandon the cause.

You were shocked to hear that.

You: No that can't be, Adam wouldn't hurt his own kind.

Tukson: Sorry but it's true, I've already lost contact with a few friends that were also trying to get out.

You: Where is he? My brother.

Tukson: Sorry but even I don't know that, ever since the fang stared having dealings with Roman Torchwick, we've been all over the place.

Descent into Shadows (Blake Belladonna x Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now