Battle for Beacon (Vol 3)

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Vlad's POV

Mercury: Come at me Vlad, or are you too scared without your weapon?

Vlad: Heh, you wish, Ruby go back and warn the others.

Ruby: No I have to stop this match!

Vlad: Huh? why?

Ruby: It's Penny she's in danger.

Vlad: Damn it Fine, Wait for me to give you an opening.

I charged at Mercury and throws a quick jab then following up with a kick to his side, Mercury quickly dodged my attack showing the obvious difference in our hand to hand skills but I managed force him back just enough for Ruby to get her opening.

Mercury: (seeing Ruby) Not so fast kid!

Mercury uses his knee to block my fist before he spins and kicks me in front of Ruby, she couldn't stop herself and ends up crashing to me causing us both to hit the wall of the hallway.

Vlad: Looks like he won't make this easy.

Ruby: What do we do?

Vlad: Quick give me your hand.

I held my hand out for Ruby to take but as soon as she tries to reach for it Mercury fires a round from his boot just barely missing my hand.

Mercury: (waving finger) Uh uh uh, I thought we were having fun.

Vlad: (Glaring) Keep yapping asshole.

Getting back to my feet I ran at him again, I dodged one of his kick and countered with a solid punch to his face.

Mercury: Your pretty strong but you don't stand a chance without your bow.

Vlad: (smirks) That's what you think, Ruby go now!!!

Ruby was surprised at your sudden order but she uses her speed to move towards the arena, Mercury glares and kicks me back against the wall before taking off after Ruby, she doesn't stop moving but Mercury catches up to her.

Mercury: Wrong move ki-

Suddenly I teleported in between them shocking Mercury then gave him a strong punch to the face knocking him into the ground, Ruby looks back with a smile before continuing on.

Mercury: (holding face in pain) Oh you cheap son of a bitch.

Vlad: Takes one to know one asshole.

Mercury: (standing up) Heh doesn't matter anyway your too late.

Vlad: What are you-

The sound of cheers from the arena then turns in screams and gasp of horror.

Mercury: There it is.

Mercury then runs off, I glared after him before running to join Ruby. When I got to the opening of the tunnel to the arena, I saw Ruby on her knees crying.

Vlad: Ruby! What happened?

Ruby: (in between sobs) Penny...

Looking towards the arena my eyes go wide at the sight I saw. Pyrrha was in the middle of the arena in shock and Penny was in pieces around her even more shocking was the wires that were sticking out of her. It all made sense now and with Pyrrha's semblance of magnetism this was their plan.

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