End of the Begining (Vol 3)

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Blake's POV

Weiss and Blake had separated shortly after splitting up with Y/n, after a bullhead had crashed and from it an alpha Beowolf jumps from it. The Beowolf lands on the ground and starts to chase after fleeing civilians. She chased it towards the dining hall of the school but before she could attack it, it leaps up the side of a building. Her attention is then drawn away from Grimm to a wounded scream coming from inside the building, looking inside her body suddenly goes stiff in fear at who she saw. Through a shattered window effortlessly kicking away an atlas Soldier was none other the leader of the Vale branch of the White fang, Y/n's brother, and her former partner and mentor.

Blake: (terrified) No... Adam?

Adam: (turns around and grins) Long time no see, Blake.

Blake backs away from the shattered window, staring in horror at her old partner.

Adam: Running away again? Is that what you've become Blake? A coward?

Blake: Why are you doing this?

Adam: We were going to change the world, remember? We were destined to light the fires of revolution! (He draws his sword and prepares to stab an Atlas student in the chest) Consider this... a spark.

Blake charges into the dining hall, drawing her sword in a flash. Her blade clashes with his as she pushes him away from the student, and they stand with their blades locked.

Blake: I'm... not... running.

Adam: You... will.

He kicks her away, knocking her onto the floor. A nearby Creep runs toward her, only to be shot by Adam.

Adam: But not before you suffer for your betrayal, Blake.

Vlad's POV

Things weren't looking good for us no matter how I tried to look at it. First Ruby jumps off the airship that was taking all the students back to Beacon, Yang will probably kill me for not being able to stop her, but even worst than that was the ship that Ironwood was on went crashing down, I know he could be a hard ass but I didn't want him dead. Now all the students along with me are fighting off Atlesian Paladins and unlike the ones we've dealt with before these seemed like higher grade models.

Vlad: (stabbing penny's sword into Paladin) This thing ain't going down.

I teleport off the paladin before it could throw me off and ended up next to Coco who's machine gun was hardly doing damage and Weiss who had just arrived.

Vlad: Ok so I don't have a weapon, Any ideas?

Coco: Well, I guess now's a better time than any. Velvet!

Velvet: (excited) Really?

Coco: Just make them count.

Velvet nods. As she walks up to the Paladins, I couldn't help but stare in shock and confusion.

Weiss: What are you doing!? She's going to get hurt!

Vlad: Hate to say it but I agree with the ice queen.

Coco: Just watch.

With her weapon, Velvet begins to replicate Crescent Rose using hard light dust from the box on her back, as she imitates Ruby's overhead spin, landing on top of the Paladin as she dodges its cannon fire. The one by one as the weapon she uses fades she would then replicate some else's and copy their moves to the letter. She used Weiss, Yang, Coco, Blake, she even managed to copy mine and Y/n weapons and skills perfectly. She then uses Penny's weapon , as she leaps off the Paladin and slices apart its legs before blasting it at full power. However, a second Paladin sucker punches Velvet.

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