Tension rising (Vol 3)

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You sat in your dorm room watching the a replay of the fight between Yang and Mercury, you tried to find any evidence of foul play on Mercury's part but after watching it a dozen times you found nothing. Wendy tried her best to console Vlad who was still livid at the way things turned out.

Wendy: Y/n can you turn that off already, just Seeing it makes me feel sick.

You: (sighs and shuts of scroll) Right, Sorry. I just don't see how Yang could do something like this.

Vlad: (angry) That's because she didn't! She said Mercury attacked her first.

You: But we saw her attack him, everyone did.

Vlad punches the wall next to him leaving a crack in it.

Vlad: Wendy are you sure your dick of a brother and that girl on his team didn't have something to do with this.

Wendy: (shakes her head) No, I'm sure he wasn't there?

Vlad: Damnit.

You remembered back to what Izaya had told you about being careful about being wary of the finals.

You: (to self) Could this be the work of some new enemy?

Vlad: I can't take this anymore I'm going over to team RWBY's dorm!

Wendy: Wait you can't, the General told us to stay here.

Vlad: Screw that, screw him, I'm going.

Vlad walks passed Wendy out the door, annoyed you get up to go after him with Wendy following behind . You both managed to catch up to him when you all heard a loud voice from behind team RWBY's door.

Ironwood: (angrily stern) That's ENOUGH! (when the room falls silent, he goes on) The sad truth is, whether it was an accident or an assault, it doesn't matter. The world saw you attack an innocent student. They've already drawn their own conclusions. And it's my job to inform you that... you are disqualified.

Ironwood exits the room as you briefly caught the look of misery on Yang's face. It definitely wasn't the look of someone aiming to intentionally hurt someone.

Ironwood: I thought I told you all to stay in your rooms.

Vlad: And I've been meaning to tell you where you can shove-

Wendy: (hastily cutting Vlad off) Sorry General we're just concerned about Yang.

Ironwood: (Sighs) Well you're free to see her now but she's disqualified from the tournament and confined to her room.

The General then walks off as the three of you watch him.

Vlad: I can't believe this shit.

You: Vlad you got to calm down, I hate to say it but Ironwood does have a point.

You suddenly felt hands gripping your shirt as you were slammed against the wall.

Vlad: Tell me to calm down one more time! Every time you went off and did something reckless I supported you but now that something happens to someone I care about, all your telling me to do is Calm down!

You: (shoves Vlad back) Don't you think I'm trying to figure out a way to help!?

Vlad: (spiteful) Heh I bet if it was Blake you wouldn't be this calm.

You: (Glaring) What was that?

Wendy: Guys,  guys, Lets just all just take a deep breath.

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