A Pain in the Family (Vol 3)

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You couldn't believe what you saw in front of you, just across the stadium was your brother Adam sitting in the crowd but it couldn't be, why would he be here of all places, with this many people and in board daylight no less. While lost in your thoughts you suddenly felt yourself being shook by someone.

Blake: Y/n? Are you ok, you looked like you saw a ghost.

You quickly turned back to see the seat that he was in is now empty. You frantically looked around until you caught a glimpse of a red blur leaving through one of the exits.

You: I've got to go.

You dashed to the nearest exit not paying attention to Blake or your team calling after you, shoving pass anyone in your way you made it outside.

You: (looking around) Where is he, I know that I saw him.

Vlad: Saw who? Dude what is up with you?

You turned to see Vlad, Wendy, Blake and Yang standing behind you each with a mixed look of worry and concern on their faces, you shook your head trying to compose yourself before forcing a laugh.

You: There was this guy I met earlier, just thought I saw him.

Blake: Who was it?

You: Come to think of it, I think you might know him Wendy.

Wendy: Huh me?

You: Yeah his name was Izaya... I think.

Wendy's face goes pale at the mention of the name.

Wendy: Izaya's here?

Yang: Who's that?

Wendy: I-I-it's m-m-my

Vlad: Spit it out already.

Wendy: It's my brother god damn it!

You were taken a back, none of you had ever heard Wendy yell like that.

Blake: How bad could your brother be?

Wendy: He's a vile human being that treats people as if they're his toys, he's just the worst.

???: Well that's not very nice.

All eyes go to the voice to see that it's Izaya walking towards your group and next to him was Garnet who was waving apologetically to you. Turning back to Wendy she looked as if she'd just seen a giant bug walking up to her.

Wendy: (Glaring) Brother Why Are you here? You said you weren't interested in the Vytal festival.

Izaya: Well that's one of life's great mysteries isn't it.

Wendy pulls out her heavy blade and was poised ready to attack, Izaya raises his hands in mock surrender but still kept his sly smile, Garnet groans as he turns his attention to you.

Izaya: I suppose I never did really introduce my self, my name is Izaya Nyx, leader of team IVRY. I'd like to thank you for taking care of my sister.

He gives a small bow.

You: Uh yeah no problem, she's a great teammate.

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