New Rivals (Vol 3)

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You watch as Team JNPR heads off to their match, Jaune who looks like he's ready to blow chunks at any second was having his back patted by Pyrrha and Nora who was still having her mental break down was being comforted by Ren.

Wendy: Think they'll be ok?

You: They'll be fine.

Ruby: So which of you guys are going to be in the doubles round.

You: Well as team leader-

Vlad: We played Rock paper scissor, It's him and Tobias.

You: Yeah pretty much.

Wendy: Hmph I wanted to be in it.

You laughed and then ordered another beef bowl earning a look of surprise from Blake.

Blake: Your still eating?

You: Hey what can I say the Shopkeep's food is to die for.

The Shopkeep gives you an appreciative nod as he slides you another large beef bowl. Your eyes lit up and your tail wagged in excitement at the serving.

Yang: Well girls we should get going if we're going to watch JNPR's match.

Vlad: Well I'm already stuffed so I'll come along.

Wendy: Me too. (To Y/n) We'll see you when your done Y/n.

You: (mouthful) Mhmm.

Blake: Try not to eat enough that you make your self sick ok.

You swallow the food and look up at Blake with a playful grin.

You: Yes Mom.

Blake leans down and kisses you on the cheek.

Blake: See you later.

You watch them all walk away in the direction of the amity arena and focused back on your food, you ate in delight when suddenly a hand slams down on the counter besides you.

???: So you must be Y/n Taurus.

With your mouth still full you turned to see a red headed girl with long red rabbit ears but unlike Velvets that stood pointing up her's drooped down. She didn't look hostile to you but any Faunus looking for you by name would more than likely be trouble.

You: Nope, you've got the wrong guy. The names uhh... Wumbo yeah that's it.

Rabbit girl: (confused) Wumbo?

Finishing off your meal you got up from the stand and started to walk away leaving the rabbit girl confused.

You: Yeah you know, I Wumbo, you Wumbo, he she me Wumbo. It's a pretty common name somewhere, anyway you take care now.

You walk away waving as you do when the girl zips in front of you.

Garnet : Look my name is Garnet Yun and I just want to talk with you.

You hesitated but sighed and decided to hear her out.

You: Alright let's hear it.

You and Garnet walked around the fairgrounds, you learned that she was a second year at Haven and that she was here to participate in the Vytal festival with her team. Team IVRY (Ivory)

You: So why were you looking for me?

Garnet: I wanted to thank you, for helping those Faunus get out of Vale. You see one of them is my friend that got in over her head but I'm glad she's back home.

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