Black and White

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The next morning you went back to Tukson's bookstore, he was surprised to see you but you were glad to see the fear that showed on his face last time wasn't there.

Tukson: Oh Y/n, got to the fun parts of ninjas of love already.

You: Fun parts? No I'm here about something else, something WF related.

Tukson: (serious) Oh, then come on to the back.

You followed Tukson to the backroom of his shop, he points out a chair next to his desk that you sat down in.

Tukson: So what's this about the white fang?

You: I need to know, have the white fang been involved with the recent dust robberies?

Tukson: (nodding) Those dealings I told you about with Torchwick, all of them lately have involved stealing dust, I don't know the reason though. We've never need this much before.

You: Do you know how they plan on moving all that dust?

Tukson quickly types on his computer.

Tukson: Usually we'd move it by train but Torchwick is in with someone with deep pockets, there's a plan to steal a huge Schnee company freighter tonight and it's going to be transported via airship.

You: So that's where I'll most likely find Blake.

Tukson: I can send you the time and location of when all this is going down.

You: Thanks Tukson, I really appreciate it.

Tukson: I'll help you as much as I can before I head back to Vacuo.

You nodded as you left the store and headed back to your dorm room to prepare for tonight. When you entered the room you were confronted by Wendy.

Wendy: There you are!

You: (to self) Oh crap baskets

Wendy: Where have you been mister? First you went off on your little walk, staying out half the night and then you leave first thing in the morning without a word to any of us. Do you know how worried we've been!?

You looked over her head at Vlad who was on his bed watching his Scroll and Tobias who was at one of the desk reading.

You: (to the two males) Were you guys worried?

Vlad: (without looking) Nope.

Tobias: (still reading) You were gone?

You look back at Wendy who a still upset but now a little embarrassed.

Wendy: (angry) Well I was worried ok!

You: Everything's find I told you I'd call if anything happened, besides I think I found a lead on Blake.

Wendy: Really? That's great. We should go tell team RWBY.

You: No, I think it would be best if I talked to her alone first.

Wendy: But-

You: Just trust me ok.

You quickly grabbed Umbra from your bed and walked out the room ignoring Wendy's protest, you felt bad but you didn't have a moment to waste.

{Time Skip}
Blake's POV

It's been two days since I ran away from my team after letting them know that I was a part of the white fang, I'm not even sure if I'll be able to even face them ever again. As much as I hate to admit it Y/n was right, how long did I think hiding behind this bow was going to trick them. I then stare up at the night sky as the monkey Faunus from the docks joins me on top of the cargo container carrying a bunch of bananas.

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