Heroes and Monsters (Vol 3)

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You: (cutting down Beowolf) Haaa!!!

This had to have been the 15th Grimm you've killed so far and they just kept coming, behind you Weiss and Blake and just finished taking down a Griffon. The civilians that you all were protecting quickly moved in the direction of the docks before anymore monsters showed up. Sheathing your sword you then went to join Blake and Weiss.

Weiss: There's no end to this.

You: The people are scared out of their minds, Beacon has literally become a Beacon for attracting Grimm.

In the distance more Grimm started to appear but before you could draw your weapon they were taken down by the atlesian knights.

Weiss: At least we have the Atlas military backing us up.

You: (Sighs) For once I'll admit I'm not mad they're here.

You turned you back to the knights.

You: There's still people coming from the fairgrounds we should prob-

Blake: Watch out!

You were suddenly pushed to the ground as Weiss and Blake manage to dodge incoming fire, the Knights then started to surround you all their guns aimed at the ready, forcing the Both of them to draw their weapons, You got to you feet and did the same.

You: The hell is wrong with you rust buckets we're not grimm!

Blake: Something's strange here.

Weiss: She's right.

You then noticed the red light coming from their eyes and came to a realization.

You: Shit they've been hacked!

Weiss: Impossible, Atlas's security is top notch.

Blake: Well someone's definitely getting fired when this over.

You: (blocking a bullet with sword) Heh, you only have a sense of humor when we're in danger.

You deflected a barrage of bullets as they came flying towards you before releasing the energy stored in your sword back at the robots, disintegrated them, after you clear the area you turned back to Weiss and Blake again.

You: Ok now we got grimm, white fang, and killer robots to deal with. After this I need a vacation.

Weiss: We make it through this I'll send you anywhere you want to go.

Blake: We should still make our way to the docks.

You: Yeah let's-

You were cut off by the sound of your Scroll going off, on the screen you see that Vlad is calling you.

You: (picking up) Hey.

Vlad: (Scroll) Hey do you see this shit going on.

You: Yeah tell me about it, Blake, Weiss and I have been helping people get to the drop ships at the docks.

Vlad: Good, Ruby and I are leading other students back to the school.

You: Just you and Ruby? Didn't you meet up with Wendy.

Descent into Shadows (Blake Belladonna x Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now