School Dance (Vol 2)

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Wendy: Ok I'm going to have Weiss help me with my hair, if Cardin shows up before I get back please don't kill him.

You: Yeah yeah I promise we won't hurt him.

Vlad: I promise nothing.

Wendy: (threateningly) Vlad.

You patted the top of her head and led her to the door.

You: He'll be fine now hurry up and go the dance is gonna start soon.

Wendy: Thanks Y/n.

You close the door behind her after she leaves and head back into the room and finished getting ready yourself, the thought of attending a dance during your time at Beacon never crossed your mind so needless to say you didn't have the right clothes, luckily for you Vlad had you covered.

You: Thanks again for the suit man.

Vlad: Don't mention it, I may not have been the one to convince you to go but I can at least make sure your dress appropriately.

You straighten out your tie as you turned back to see Tobias laying on his bed going through his Scroll.

You: (To Tobias) Sure you don't want to come? Even if you don't have a date you could just hang out.

Tobias: (still looking at scroll) I'll pass.

You: (shrugs) Suit yourself.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Vlad jumps up in excitement and goes to the door before he opens it he turns to you.

Vlad: Showtime!

He opens the door and there standing in a brown suit with flowers in hand was Cardin Winchester. He looked nervous until he saw that Wendy wasn't in the room, his nervous look then changed to one of annoyance.

Cardin: Where's Wendy?

Vlad: She's getting some finishing touches done on her hair, why don't you come in and wait for her?

Cardin: (suspicious) I think I'll just wait out here.

You: Come on Cardin don't be like that after all you are dating our precious teammate.

Cardin: I-

Before he could finish you had already walked up to him with a menacing smile and put an arm around his shoulder.

You: (menacing) Come. On. In.

Cardin comes into the room, he sits on the floor as both you and Vlad tower over him making him feel small.

You: We just got a few questions for you Cardin.

Cardin: Fine whatever just get on with it.

You : Alright first-

Vlad: What kingdom you from!?

Cardin: (confused) What?

Vlad: What ain't no kingdom I ever heard of, they speak english in "what"?

Cardin: W-what?

Vlad: (grabs him) English mother-

You: (intervening) Hey hey hey man what are you doing.

Vlad: Too much?

You: Yeah now drop him.

Vlad lets go of Cardin who falls back on his ass, you hold out a hand to help him up which he takes.

You: Look man I'm only going to ask this once are you serious about her?

Descent into Shadows (Blake Belladonna x Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now