Emerald Forest part 1

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You had spent the next few days in the dorm room provided to you by Ozpin. You still wondered why he'd let someone like you into his school as easy as he did. Maybe it was to keep an eye on you or he was hoping you could give him information on the white fang, either way he was definitely someone you had to be guard around. You then got a message on your scroll from Ozpin telling you to join the new students on the cliffs outside Beacon that overlook the Emerald Forest.

You: Well time to go join the party.

{Time Skip}

At the cliff all the students were in a line facing the forest, you joined them and now you noticed you were all standing on metal platforms.

Ozpin: For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest.

Glynda: Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of "teams." Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today.

Ozpin: These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years.

???: Seriously, become partners with the first person I see and be stuck with them for four years, that doesn't sound logical.

You turned to see one of the students wearing some very interesting clothes and had a oddly shaped blade on his back.

You: (to self) Well he's not wrong.

Ozpin: You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?  Good now take your positions.

One by one students were launched from the cliff into the forest. You stretched to get yourself warmed while watching each student get launched, you could tell only a few were actually prepared for this one of them being a blonde that put aviators on before she flew. After a few more it was your turn you started to feel excited as you were launched like the rest.

Flying through the sky you noticed you were closing in on a very large tree you gripped your sword and charged your aura into the blade then released an energy strike that cut through the truck of the tree, as the tree tilted away from you falling over you used it as a ramp and slid to the ground.

You: I bet that would have made Sienna and Bro impressed, Alright now where are those ruins.

As you looked around trying to decided on a direction you heard movement in the bushes, you took a defensive stance when an Ursa came lunging out, it slammed its heavy claws against your blade sending you skidding back.

You: (grin) Finally, some excitement!

The Ursa charged at you again with the intention of swiping with its claws but this time you anticipated the attack, you jumped up landing on the Ursa's back, as it tried furiously to shake you off but thanks to the training Sienna put you and Adam through when you were younger your balance was well developed.

You: Sorry Boo-boo but the fun's over.

Just as you were about you stab your Umbra into the Grimm you jumped away, when you did an arrow flew by you piercing through the Ursa's head killing it. You looked where the arrow cane from to see standing in the tree was the student on the cliff wearing the weird clothes. You walked closer to the tree slightly annoyed with your sword in hand.

You: You could've hit me you know.

He jumps down from the tree and walks up to you.

???: Sorry, but needed to test you to see if you were worth being my partner.

You: And?

???: You passed, your reflexes are definitely impressive. And the power you used to cut down that tree, I think we'll make a good team.

You: Ok but let me ask you this what if I didn't dodge and your arrow hit me?

???: It would've hurt, a lot. But I expected you to be able to do it after all you are his little brother aren't you?

You raised an eyebrow to this.

You: Wait who are you?

Vlad: I'm Vladimir Leblanc and I know who you are F/n Taurus, my father worked security for the SDC overseeing one train transports but he didn't make it home after his last job and do you know why?

You: (sweat drop) ....

Vlad: Your brother attacked a train and planned to blow it up along with all its workers but my dad sacrificed himself to save them. Ever since then I made it my mission to stop the white fang and get that bastard you call a brother.

You were shocked, you've heard of the white fang getting more aggressive but you didn't realize it was this bad. You've known Adam to hurt but he'd never kill innocent people.

You: When'd did this happen?

Vlad: Almost a year now.

You felt your stomach tighten, could this be because you left. You sheathed your sword and looked at Vlad.

You: I'm sorry for your loss truly I am but why be my partner then? Even if I'm not with the white fang anymore I won't just sell out my brother.

Vlad: (Smiles and shrugs) Oh I figured that but I'm positive being around you I'll run into him sooner or later.

You: You-

Vlad: Anyway enough of that let's head to those ruins shall we, partner.

Vlad walks off deeper into the woods as you watched him go the thought of Adam really trying to kill humans ran through your mind. You thought of just walking away and finding a new partner but leaving him be would be too risky.

You: Right behind you, partner.

Chapter end

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