PvP (Vol 3)

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Vlad's POV

I watched from the window of team RWBY's dorm as Blake, Weiss, Wendy and Y/n all went their separate ways from Ruby who headed in the direction of the amity coliseum. I then looked back at Yang who was sitting on Blake's bunk.

Vlad: You ok?

Yang: I should be the one asking that, I never thought you and Y/n would start fighting like that.

Vlad: (Sighs) Yeah I might have overdid it a bit.

Yang: (looking down) Why do you even believe me? Everyone saw on live TV, I attacked Mercury.

I went towards Yang and knelt down in front of her making sure that I could look into her lilac colored eyes.

Vlad: Did you attack him?

Yang: ....No I saw him coming at me.

Vlad:(smiles) Then I believe you.

Yang chuckles to herself before she leans in to kiss me.

Yang: (smiling) Thanks.

We broke apart when we heard a sudden cough from the doorway.

Qrow: (leaning against the door, arms crossed and a small smile on his face) Hey there, firecracker.

Yang: (not surprised enough to look at him, she instead gazes down) Hey, Qrow.

Qrow snorts like her response was funny before becoming serious.

Qrow: Sorry to interrupt but I gotta ask, why'd you do it?

Yang: (she takes a second to respond) You know why.

Qrow: (uncrossing his arms as he leers at her) All I know is that you attacked a helpless kid. So either you're lying or you're crazy. (he smirks)

Yang: (staring resolutely at her uncle) I'm not lying.

Qrow: (turning to Vlad) And you, do you believe her despite what you saw.?

Vlad: (stern) I believe her.

Qrow: (makes a disappointed noise) So your both crazy, got it. (walks to the center of the room, hands in his pockets)

Yang: Who knows?

Vlad: Maybe we are.

Qrow: (shakes his head as he continues pacing) And here I thought your dark-haired friend was the emo one.

Yang: Vlad I'm sorry but do you think you could leave us alone for awhile?

Vlad: You sure?

Yang: (nods) Yeah.

Vlad: (shrugs) Alright guess I'll go watch the rest of the finals maybe I'll see Tobias vs Pyrrha, that'd be exciting.

You gave her a smile that she returns, as I walked past Qrow I just barely heard him whisper something to me.

Qrow: (whisper) Thanks for standing by her kid.

I only nodded as I left the room.

Time skip
Y/n's POV

Back at the Cafe, Neon was entertaining herself with
asking you a million random questions.

Neon: Have you ever been handcuffed?

You: Sexually or by law enforcement? (Winks)

Blake: (Sighs) You have been handcuffed by law enforcement before and it's not a winking matter.

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