Infirmary (Vol 3)

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In the infirmary you woke up to the ceiling light shining over you, looking around you noticed you weren't the only one in the room, for a moment you thought you were still in a nightmare because sitting next to your bed in a chair was Izaya and standing behind him was Garnet.

Izaya: Well look who's awake.

You: (groans) You have got to be kidding me, why the hell are you here.

Izaya: Well that's one of life's great mysteries isn't it.

You: (glares) Never have I wanted to push someone out of a plane and hope they get hit by another plane as I do you.

Garnet turns away and tries to hide her chuckling.

Garnet: Thats oddly specific.

You: So what do you want Izaya?

Izaya: Before that I'm curious, what'd you see from Vanity's semblance.

You: Why don't you ask your sadistic teammate, I bet she enjoyed it.

Garnet: No you've got it wrong-

Izaya raises his hand to silence her.

Izaya: She's not exactly in the talking mood.

You notice Garnet glaring at him intently at that comment.

You:(Sighs) And you think I am? You want to know what I saw? I saw the worst parts of my life but the worst of it was seeing my mother as sick as she was dying over and over.

Izaya: Interesting but how did you break free of her semblance?

You laughed dryly.

You: Sadly I should be thanking you, I remembered what you said. My past will always be follow me nothing can change that, once I accepted that everything just went....quiet.

Izaya: Hmm Interesting. (stands up and walks to the door) Well I think I've had enough fun to last me awhile. (Before he leaves) Oh and one last thing, I would be wary of the finals tomorrow, consider it your prize for a game you didn't know you were playing.

He closes the door behind him leaving just you and Garnet in the room.

You: I really can't stand him.

Garnet: I know the feeling but he's really not such a bad guy, all the time.

You: Forgive me if I find that hard to believe.

Garnet: It's true, me and the others owe him a lot. Vanity used to not be able to control her semblance and caused people around her to go into a panic and Rex's semblance would break everything he came in contact with. It wasn't until Izaya came up to both of them and helped them learn control when no one else could.

You: (surprised) Wow and what did he do for you?

Garnet: I'm sure you know in mistral they aren't particularly fond of Faunus. I had nothing, I struggled just to survive but he gave me a way out, he helped me enroll in Haven and because of him I met Vanity and Rex.

You: Hmph I still think he's a bastard but I guess he's not so bad.

She smiles at you before walking to the door.

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