Field Trip (Vol 2)

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{Tobias' POV}

Tobias: (leaning against wall of the room) You just couldn't complete a simple mission without being seen, could you?

I say this to Cinder while trying to hide my annoyance. Because of her little run in with Ruby Rose last night both team RWBY and my own team have been digging deeper into the white fang and Torchwick business. She gave me an aggravating smile before she responds.

Cinder: I don't see an issue. The doctor's device has been planted, Torchwick and the White fang are doing there jobs, and Ozpin and Ironwood are completely unaware of our plans.

Tobias: And Ruby?

Cinder: A small annoyance.

Tobias: They know about whatever you have going on in the southeast. Noticed you saw fit not to let me know about that either, I'm really starting to think-

Cinder: (cutting you off) And that's your problem. Don't think, obey. Just continue playing your role as a student and find out where the Fall maiden is being kept.

I was way passed annoyed now. Emerald and Mercury noticed this and stood at either side of her defensively.

Tobias: (Glaring) Watch yourself, I don't care how favored you are by her Grace I'm not one of your pawns.

I turn away from her and walk towards the door.

Tobias: Go ahead and make your plans but know this when it all blows up in your face don't expect any help from me.

{Time Skip}
Y/n's POV

Wendy: (excited) Finally today's the day, Did you guys decide what kind of mission you want to do?

Vlad: Well I wouldn't mind checking out some of the villages bordering Anima. Heard Grimm activity has been increased lately.

Wendy jumps around excitedly while You had just finished sharpening Umbra and Vlad was packing extra arrows. You looked up at the sound of the room door opening to see Tobias walking in, he looked especially annoyed today.

Wendy: Hey Tobi what about you, what kind of mission would you like to go on?

Tobias waves a dismissive hand as he goes to sit down on his bed.

Wendy: And you Y/n?

You: I wouldn't mind killing some Grimm but...

Wendy: You want to go to the southeast right?

Vlad: Yeah and I hope you didn't think about sneaking away from us to join team RWBY and then making us have to cover for you if Glynda finds out..

The both of them eyed you suspiciously as you awkwardly sheathed your sword, the truth is that was exactly your plan. Torchwick and the white fang were somewhere in the southeast and the only way to make sure those Faunus that want out of Vale without being hunted down is to stop him.

You: (rubbing nape nervously) No.... I wouldn't do that to you guys. (Muttering) again.

Wendy: Oh really? I guess you won't mind us holding on to this until we get on the airship.

You: Huh?

Vlad suddenly teleports behind you and snatches Umbra, you dive at him only for him to teleport back to where he was as you crashed on your bed.

Vlad: (twirling the sword) You can have this back on one condition.

You: Look I know what your going to say but I'm still going.

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