Best Day Ever (Vol 2)

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You: Woah if I had to describe this book in one word it would probably be....

Tukson:(setting down a large stack of books)  Passionate, Mesmerizing, Enchanting?

You: Filth. Yeah that's the one. I never knew Blake liked these kinda books.

Tukson: If you don't like it give it back.

You: Nope, I'm too invested.

Tukson:(rolls eyes) Yeah it's pretty popular among the girls these days. Just got a new order in, new book called my sweet Samurai. Seeing as I won't be around to sell them you can take a copy for your girlfriend.

You: She's not my girlfriend and right almost forgot your leaving the day after tomorrow.

It's been two weeks since the fight against Torchwick and the white fang down at the docks and it was also now my second semester at Beacon. Between training with your team in preparation for the Vytal festival and classes you've also spent many nights snooping around warehouses with Blake hoping to run into the WF but you were really hoping to run into Adam.

Tukson: Yeah thanks again for your help, with the commotion you've caused I was able to get safe passage for me and the others who want out to Vacuo.

You: (closing book) Don't mention it. I mean you've helped me out too, letting me hide out here so I don't get chewed out by my team.

Tukson: (chuckles) Well I'm sure you'll manage, Looks like you've got good friends.

You: Yeah they are and I should probably get back soon, classes start back up tomorrow. If I don't see you before you leave, have a nice life Tukson.

You held out your hand as he smiles and takes with a firm grip.

Tukson: To you as well Y/n.

With one last salute you grab the gift books and make your way out of the store as two people, a gray haired boy and green haired girl walk past you into the store.

{Time Skip}

When you got back to Beacon you made your way to the cafeteria when you see Tobias walking out with his signature scowl on his face.

You: Hey where you headed?

Tobias: Anywhere but here, if you were smart you'd walk away too.

He then storms off before You could even question him, with a shrug You then walk in the cafeteria and to your shock team JNPR along with Wendy were standing on top of a stack of tables while Nora sang.

Nora: (in sing-song) I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

Ruby: (Stomping her foot on a table and pointing at Team JNPR.) Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! (Ruby crushes a carton of milk in her hand.) It will be delicious!

Team RWBY& Vlad: Yeah!

You: The hell is all this?

Nora: Off with their heads!

Nora jumps down from the top of her tower, and the food fight begins.

Ruby: Yang! Turkey!

Yang rolls over to the turkeys and sticks her fists inside them, proceeding to block and punch the melons as they speed toward her. After some fighting, Nora knocks Weiss into a pillar. The impact knocks her out and Ruby holds her in her arms as the pillar collapses around them.

Ruby: (Cradling Weiss) Weiss, Weiss! Don't leave me! Nooo!

Wendy with a swordfish in hand charged at Vlad who was holding a rope of sausage links, he tries to whip it at her but Wendy activates her semblance mirage that creates four intangible copies of herself. The copies cant attack but they make a good distraction mimicking Wendy's moves exactly.

Pyrrha who was also using her semblance sends an bombardment of soda cans at Blake that sends her flying towards the wall, before she could hit the wall you jump up to catch her.

Blake: Y/n?

You set her down in the corner behind a table.

You: Looks like I got to put an end to this.

Making your way towards the ongoing food fight Yang and Nora charged at one another Yang with her makeshift turkey gauntlets and Nora with her watermelon hammer, as they close in Nora was the faster of the two and sends Yang flying through the ceiling.

Vlad: Yang!!!

Wendy: (mocking) Looks like she went out with a Yang!

Vlad: Really?

Before they could start fighting again, you slap Vlad upside the head with a fish surprising both of them.

Wendy: Oh hey Y/n.

Vlad: (surprised) You struck me with a bass.

You: Huh, thought it was a tuna. But never mind that why are you all having a food fight, and didn't invite me!

Wendy: Long story short, Yang made a dumb pun then Nora threw a pie that hit Weiss in the face and here we are.

You: (looking at home in roof) And now Yang went to infinity and beyond.

Vlad: Ok screw you both.

You and Wendy both laugh until you notice Ruby starting to use her semblance to sped towards team JNPR while picking up a whirlwind behind her.

You: Uh Vlad do the thing.

Vlad then teleports you and Wendy to the front doors of the cafeteria where you notice Sun standing next to a guy with Blue hair. The food fight ends with JNPR slammed against a cracked wall painted with soda and food. Team JNPR slides off the wall, leaving only their outlines.

Sun: I love these guys.

You: (To Ruby) Hold on, why didn't you just start off with that?

Before you could get an answer the door fly open and in walks Professor Goodwitch who was obviously upset, She proceeds to use telekinesis to re-organize the room.

Glynda: Children, please. Do not play with your food!

Nora burps aloud as  Teams TWLT, JNPR and RWBY try and fail to compose themselves. A screaming Yang then comes crashing down from the sky but is caught by Vlad who teleports to catch her.

You: Glad I didn't miss the fun.

Chapter End.

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