Emerald Forest part 2

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You followed Vlad through the forest, the conversation you just had still running through you mind. He's acts as if he's walking without a care in the world but you could tell he was aware of his surroundings, you especially.

Vlad: I'm curious.

You: Huh?

Vlad: Why'd you leave the white fang?

He stopped walking and turns in your direction.

You: Needed a change of scenery and besides I'd much rather fight grimm than humans.

Vlad: Hmm I see.

He continues to walk as you followed, What you had said was only half the truth, you really did want a Change of scenery but more than anything you just wanted to step out of Adam's shadow. Vlad suddenly stops walking again and looks around the area.

Vlad: Wait do you feel that?

The ground beneath you started to shake, With you lost in thought you hardly noticed but Vlad already had his sword drawn ready for whatever it was.

You: Yeah something big is around here.

You had your hand on the hilt of your sword ready for any attack. You closed you eyes to sharpen your focus after a few moments the ground stopped shaking but before you could relax the head of a king taijitu dove out from behind the trees.

You: Move!

You both jumped out of the way avoiding the attack from the Grimm, after its strike the head pulled back into the trees. One King taijitu shouldn't be a problem if it's both of us.

You: Watch out the other head might attack at any moment.

Vlad: Something doesn't feel right.

You: What do you mean?

Vlad: Call it a gut feeling.

Still on guard you waited for the Grimm to attack again, another head lunged out at you and as it got close you drew your sword cutting the grimm's eye as it reeled back in pain.

You: You worry too much we can handle it.

Vlad: Uhh Y/n.

You: (turns around) Wha-...  Oh shit.

You had turned to see several king taijitu heads looming over the both of you. Two heads is one thing but this many, we wouldn't make it out uninjured

Vlad: This is bad, really bad.

You: (calmly) Vlad I got an idea but I'm going to need you to follow my lead.

Vlad: Alright Fine What's the plan?

You:(sheaths sword) This is going to be an all or nothing gambit, you ready?

Vlad: Just give the word and I'll follow your lead.


Vlad: What the f-

You and Vlad both ran as fast as you could to the clearing all while dodging the Grimm heads as they attack. The two of you were about to reach the ruins when one of the heads crash into the ground behind you sending the both of you flying forward.

{Blake's POV}

It had certainly become more lively after Yang and I choose our relic. Ruby came flying in from the sky on the back of a Nevermore, the orange haired girl Nora and ninja boy Ren came riding in on a Ursa and Pyrrha was chased here by a death stalker. I just want this exam to be over so I can go back to reading my book.

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