Chapter 8: First Kill

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Justin's POV:

After Abby's little stunt, I told her off about it. "Whatever Justin." She said, as she walked off to the bathroom. "Celia, can you do me a solid?" Mike asked. "What's that?" She asked. "Can you go fight Abby?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Sure thing." She said, as she took a step. I stopped her. "No. Don't do that." I said. "Dude did you not see what she just did? I'm actually surprised Angel didn't sock her ass." He said. So am I. Me too. "Well she didn't. So let's just leave it. Come on, we have to go get changed." I said. We walked to the bathrooms to change. "Ya know Justin." Mike said. "What's up?" I asked. "I had hella respect for you before Abby came into the picture. But now all that shit is out the window." He said. I was taken aback by his words.

"Michael." Is aid, slamming the bathroom door. "I've never did anything to you. What's your problem?" I asked, irritably. "Nigga what you mean? You letting Abby run you like you her bitch. She disrespects you, she runs over you, she puts you down, she cheats on you, she disrespects YOUR fucking mate and you let all this shit happen. Like where's your backbone at dawg? You supposed to be this boss ass assassin yet you letting a hoe ass, disrespectful ass bitch boss you around and make you her bitch. Man, from what I seen today, and all these years, that little girl, Tasha, is a better boss than you right now." He said. He said that in his New York accent. Oh he's big mad. He always talk like that when he's super pissed. So you know he's not playing. Yeah. I need to calm him down.

"Listen Mike. I know I haven't been standing up to Abby like you want me to, but I don't want to. I do want Abby to know Angel is my mate. If she does, she'll never leave." I said. "If you don't get a move on, another nigga will. Or worse, Colin. And you know Colin works quick with girls. You gotta do something soon man." He said. "I will. I'm gonna tell Abby it's over and talk to Angel." I said. He smiled. "So we good?" I asked. He dapped me up. "We been good bro." He said. We walked out to see Annie, Bishop, Angel and them walking to the elevator. I felt a tug on my shirt. I turned, expecting to see Mike. Turns out he walked over to Kacey and Celia. I turned to my side but saw no one. Then hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" She said in a playful tone. "Abby not now man. I wanna get my work done and go home". I said, as I pulled her hands away from me. "Look baby, I'm Sorry bout throwing the knife at Angel. I was jealous." She said. She began to fake cry. "I'm trying ya know." She said, through fake tears. It didn't faze me. I turned around and grabbed Mike and made him walk me out. "She fake cry again?" He asked. "Yep." I said. "Fake ass bitch." He said. We walked to the stairwell and went down them. We walked outside to where everyone else was. Trey transformed into a wolf and took off. Angel got into a car and drove off. I transformed and followed them. She stopped but that was because she wanted to know where Trey was going.

When we got to her first location, she wanted to be seen in the stands because she never been to a game before. I've been to a few but it was never with a girl. Unless it was my Mom. And Alison but she was a few months old at the time. Angel and I almost kissed though. We got lost in each other's eyes. I bit my lip as she but hers. I wanted nothing more to kiss her and make love to her right here but the sound of a baseball hitting a bat scared us both. She managed to think of an idea to take out her target, who was the announcer guy. She cut the power and took him out with ease. She made a joke about her wanting to fuck him but I didn't find it funny. We managed to leave before anyone saw us.

Not bad for her first kill. We got away but when I flew behind the trees, she recognized me as the dragon who saved her life from Grey. She got mad but that was cut short by three guys who saw us. "Well, well, Well. What do we have here?" Dude one asked. "Who are y'all?" Dude two asked. "Um, we're, um." Angel stuttered. "Um unless you got Parkinson's, bitch talk right." Dude three said. Angel looked at me. I decided to play dumb and I kissed her. I kissed her with so much passion. I didn't want to stop but I had to. Her vanilla scent filled me up. I wrapped my arms around her body and pulled her close to me.

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