Chapter 33: School

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Angel's POV:

After my fight with Justin, we talked things out. He told me all about his plan and how he was leaving to take Abby out. He said he wanted to make sure I was fine before he left. I decided to put him on punishment and make myself irresistible while he was here. I was gonna stop in two days but he became petty so this will continue til one of us gives in. I'm not giving in and he said he isn't either. He ate his food and came to bed. I made it hard for him. Jewel came home and I used her to get to him. I was in bra and panties and Jewel was on me so it was hard for him. Jewel fell asleep and I didn't have the energy to carry her to bed. Justin got a call from Abby. He argued with her for a bit before hanging up on her. She was still looking forward to seeing him come home. She also made him mad by telling him that Jewel wasn't his. He got pissed when she suggested he put her up for adoption when I'm dead.

He didn't play when it came to her. I was glad. We woke up to Jewel watching TV. I talked to Justin about putting her in school. He was hesitant at first, as he didn't want her being around humans and accidentally blowing our secret. I honestly think it's because he was going to miss her and didn't want her to leave so soon. I talked to my Mama and Dad about it and they agreed with me. Alicia and Patrick also agreed with me. Justin was still against it. "Justin she's not a baby anymore. She needs her education. Mike said. Justin glared at him. "Dude I'm just saying." Mike said, holding his hands up. "Justin, she needs to learn. She'll be safe." Alicia said. "Mom I know she'll be safe but I'm not sure. She seems so....energetic. What if she slips up?" He asked. "She won't." Keisha said. "How do you know?" He asked.

"Okay look. We're not getting anywhere arguing. Justin, she's going to school." I said. He looked at me. "Baby, she's not a baby anymore. She'll be fine. She'll be surrounded by people. What can she do?" I asked. "Uh, use her powers? She used them at McDonald's." He said. "She knows better now." Colin said. "Thank you Colin. Justin she's not learning any being home all the time." I said. He paced then floor then slowly turned towards me. "What if she misses us and makes the buildings shake?" He asked. "Oooh. He's got a pint. She does that a lot." Keisha said. "Who side you on?" I asked. "Justin, she'll have to go to school at some point in her life. She'll just have to deal with the fact you and Angel won't be around to baby her all the time." Dad said. "Exactly. School is what she needs. She'll be around other kids, she'll play with them. She's still a kid. Let her be a normal one." Mama said. Justin thought about it.

"Justin please. She won't be able to be a kid if she's around us. She's already learning new words from us. Speaking of which, Keisha, please watch what you say around her. She came in last night talking about some stuff that only me, you, and Kacey know." I said, making a face. "And what is that?" She asked, crossing her arms. "It involves something called 'rocks'." I said. Her eyes widened. "Okay I'll stop." She said. "Where is Jewelina?" Patrick asked. "She's with Kacey outside in the pool." I said. "Okay. Justin come on. Let her be a kid. Let her grow up." Mike said. Justin looked at him then at me. "How bout this? If she can go one week without showing off her powers, she can go to school." He said. "What?" I asked. "Let her be around some humans for a week. If she can go a week without using her powers in anyway and not whine for us, she can go to school." He said.

"Okay. Your on." I said, as I went outside to get Jewel. I saw her hugging Kacey. I ran up to them. "Kacey what's wrong?" I asked. She looked up at me. "I'm pregnant." She said. I was in shock. "Oh my God. Kacey Congratulations." I said. She smiled. "Thanks but I haven't told Mike yet." She said. "You gotta tell him. He'll be happy. I know he will." I said. She nodded and got up. She then threw up in a plant. "Tell him quickly." I said. She stuck her middle finger up at me. "Okay Jewel, how would you feel if you stayed at a friend's house for a week?" I asked. She stared at me. "That's fine. When we leaving?" She asked. "No baby. It's just you." I said. She widened her eyes. "Why?" She asked. "Me and Daddy have business to take care of." I said.

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