Chapter 37: Endgame

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Angel's POV:

After I was brought out of my delirious state, I realized my memory was shot a little bit. Justin told me I crashed my car and I tried to kill myself. I was confused and upset. And now Abby and Grey were supposed to come her today. I stupidly Abby our current address. I felt so bad and stupid. Justin told me not to worry about and that he was gonna keep me safe. He and Mike left after we woke up. Mike took Jewel to school so me and Kacey didn't have to leave. When her babygirl started crying, she went to change her. "Kacey, I never did ask you what her name was." I said. "Skylar." She said. "Awww. That so cute." I said. She smiled. "Thanks. That name has been inside my head since I was a kid." She said. "Well you could've gotten a pet if you love the name so much." I said. "Can't. My Dad is allergic." She said. "Oh. Well what do you wanna do today?" I asked, walking over to her.

"I thought Justin said we should stay here?" She asked, looking at me. "I know but I don't wanna be cooped up in a room all day. I was in He Magical Realm for what felt like eternity." I said. "Sorry Angel. The guys said we're not allowed to leave." She said, standing up. "Well what about the spa the hotel has? We could have a girls day since we didn't have one back home." I said. She smiled. "I guess a few hours couldn't hurt. I mean we are still in the hotel. Let's go." She said. She picked up Skylar and her bags and we headed out the door. Just then, our phones pinged. We looked at it. We both got texts from Mike and Justin that they see Abby. "Angel I really hope this bitch stays with them and away from child." Kacey said. I looked at her.

"What? I know now what you were going through. I'm so protective over Skylar. Mike tried to take her from my arms because I fell asleep. I nearly took his arm off." She said. I laughed. "Yo I'm weak. Come one. I'll ask where the spa is." I said. We walked down the hall, asked the receptionist where the spa was. She said it was on the fifth floor. We went there and had a great time. We went to the swimming pool where I watched Kacey swim. I of course couldn't get in. We walked back to the room and ordered room service. "Angel, how did you go into the Magical Realm?" Kacey asked. "I don't know. One minute, I'm here in real life, the next I'm somewhere else. I was able to see what my body was doing but I wasn't doing it. I tried to have my mind take control of my body but I couldn't do it." I paused, when Skylar started to cry.

She motioned for me to continue. "I seen everything I was doing but I couldn't stop myself. Then I said those words to Justin and I was crushed. I would never say something like that. He probably thinks I don't want Jewel or my twins anymore. But I do. I'd die for them. It's not right. Then when I came out, I couldn't remember much." I said. "That what happens. The Magical Realm snatches some memories but you'll get em back soon. So you went into that state because you saw me go into labor?" She asked. I nodded. "Why?" She asked. "Kacey I thought you were gonna die. I was scared for you. I was shaken up." I said. She chuckled. "Angel it's normal for that to happen. I'm fine now. It happens to psychics. Birth is painful for any woman but strong magical beings endure more pain." She said. "Yeah I guess." I said. We invited Keisha over and had another girls day. She relaxed and unwind. She also went swimming.

Everything was going great. Keisha said she was going to o get Jewel and bring her here. While she was gone, me and Kacey talked about throwing her a baby shower. It was gonna be so dope. "What colors should we do?" Kacey asked. "Umm, blue and white. It's gonna look cool." I said. Shortly after Keisha came back but she didn't have Jewel. "Where's Jewel?" I asked. "They said she was checked out." She said. What the hell? "Why would check her out?" Kacey asked. "I don't know. Let me call him." I said. I grabbed my phone and called his number. "Angel now is not a good time love." He said. "Justin did you check Jewel out today?" I asked. "No, why?" He asked. "I sent Keisha to go get her and they told she was checked out." I said. "Angel I didn't check her out." He said. My heart started racing. "Okay I'll call Mama." I said, and hung up. "What he say?" Kacey asked.

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