Chapter 18: Eventful Day Part 2

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Justin's POV:

Ever since me and Angel stopped talking, I've been feeling hella depressed. I still go to my after school clubs, I still go to work. I just don't talk much now. As I sat in my room, I thought about Angel. I tried to do other things to keep her off my mind. But all I could think about was Angel. She stayed on my mind. I love her so much. She stays on my mind. I got rid of her clothing after she left my house. I thought I had no use for it now that I know who she was. Mike and Kacey knew I was depressed but depression never stopped me from living my life. I started to go out more and take up hobbies. Hell, Trey took me to two parties and I slept with a few girls but I didn't feel anything towards them. I was having a great time but all I could think about was Angel. I asked Kacey if she ever talked about me buts she said no.

But I think it's because she's been distracted. Kacey has been caught up in her feud with Keisha. I asked Keisha is Angel talked about me but she said no too, though Angel has been sad about something. Mike wanted to help me feel better when I was still tryna get him and Kacey together. I was gonna do that today. Me and Mike went to the park and waited to for Kacey to come. "Man I'm so nervous." He said. "Don't be." I said. "What if she rejects me? What if she tells me off for having a crush on her?" He asked. "Dude, this is Kacey we're talking about. She's never mean unless she has to be. You'll do fine. You should just try to romance her." I said. "How do you know? Your not a wiz with girls ya know. Abby treated you like shit and Angel doesn't even wanna be around you. She's been with five dudes since y'all got into it. That's saying something." He snapped.

I stared at him. He face softened. "Oh my God Justin I am so sorry man. I'm just really nervous." He said, covering his face. "No your right. Point taken." I said. "Hey, if it makes your feel any better, all those dudes she's dated all ended up failing. Even with Colin, it didn't last long." He said. I didn't say anything. "Did it make you feel better?" He asked. "Eh." Was all I said. "Oh God there's her car." He said. We turned our heads to see a orange Ferrari pull up. Kacey got out and walked towards us. "Hey boys. What's up?" She asked, sitting down next to us on the bench. I looked at Mike. He was hella nervous. "Um, Mike?" I said. He cleared his throat and spoke. "Umm, K-Kacey how long have we known each other?" He asked. "Umm, probably since fourth grade." She said. "Okay yeah. So listen. How would you feel if, hypothetically, someone in our clique had a crush on you for the longest but didn't say anything?" He asked quickly.

"Who has a crush on me?" She asked. He didn't say anything. She looked at me but I looked away, scratching me head. "Come on guys. Who likes me?" She asked. We didn't say anything still. "If it's Celia, I already know she wants to fuck me. And I know Colin does too." She said. "Well, it's someone you know." I said, slowly. "Is it Angel?" She asked, curiously. Fuck no girl. "No." I said. I looked at Mike. He was shaking his knee. "Keisha?" She asked, making a face. I sighed in frustration. "Dude if you don't tell her, I will." I said, looking at Mike. "Who has a crush on me?" Kacey asked. "It's me, okay?! I have a crush on you. Kacey you've been my mate since fourth grade dude. I've been in love with you since. Seeing you with all these different dudes, really pisses me off!!!" Mike half yelled. Some people walking by looked at us.

Kacey didn't say anything. She just sat there. "You don't like me? It's okay. I knew it." Mike said. Kacey got up and punched him. Hard. "Owww!!! What the hell was that for?" Mike asked. That's for taking so damn long." She said, smiling. Mike smiled at her. "You knew?" I asked. She nodded. "Oh come one Mike. Every time your around me, you get nervous and act weird. But it's okay cause your cute. Plus, I had a vision about your mate thing with me back in fourth grade. I was waiting to see how long it would take you to tell me. By the way, it shouldn't have taken you eight years to tell your mate that they're your mate." She said. "Told you." I said. She liked at me. "You too. You shouldn't have waited to tell Angel she's your mate. You shouldn't have to wait to tell her how you feel." She said. "Ahh." Mike said, laughing at me.

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