Chapter 13: UniHybrid

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Angel's POV:

After I ran into the cave, I saw three hooded figures. They saw me and I tried to explain to them that I felt dizzy and lightheaded. I passed out afterwards. Where am I? What's happening to me? Hi. Who said that? Me. Whose 'me'? I'm your subconscious. In the Magic world, we talk and help you out in life....we also give commentary on things that's interesting. Whether you like it or not. Okay? Well Angel it's nice to meet you. Um, nice to meet you too...I didn't get your name. I don't have one. Magical beings name us. Umm okay. How bout Rose? I love it. Wait, magical being? I'm not magical being. Well not completely but your own your way. The Great Amulet is almost done. The Great Amulet?

Oh yeah. I need to give it to Annie. Why would you do that? Cause she needs it. Her and the Magic Council have been looking for it. Okay. First off, everyone has been looking for it. Everyone knows of its existence but not its whereabouts. Second, why should Annie have it? The Great Amulet can give the chosen one its powers. It's incredibly powerful. The most powerful thing in the universe. It can amplify any magical being's powers and make them unstoppable. Wow. No wonder everyone wants it. It's sound powerful and dangerous. It is. That's why the Great Amulet chooses who it wants to absorb its powers. It's careful on who it gives it to.

No wonder Grey made a big deal on it. Oh yeah. He's dangerous and only wants it for himself. That's why the Great Amulet helped save you from him. Well I need to thank it. Oh it knows. What's that sound? Voices. Go ahead and wake up. But I have questions. And they will all get answered. We can still talk. I'm your subconscious. I have a voice now. You can understand me but right now you need to wake up. Wake up Angel. Bye Rose. Bye love. I opened my eyes to see and hear Justin and Abby arguing. She said something about being a good girlfriend and I blatantly said a fucking lie. I tried to stand up but my legs felt like jelly. Trey ended up carrying me.

I found out the three hooded figures were the Magic Council, leaders of the Magic world. We talked about the Great Amulet and they said it was inside me. They told me to rest up and to not go to school tomorrow. That scared me because I have clean record. I never missed a day of school. Even when I was sick, I still went. The Magic Council then teleported us all out the cave and teleported Tasha back to us. She was disoriented and confused but they told us to let me and her rest up til morning. My Dad and Trey carried us back to my car at McDonald's. They put us in the back seat and drove us home. Trey carried me upstairs to my room. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light. After a some hours had passed, I rolled over and felt something hard next to me.

Please don't be a dead body. It's not a dead body Angel. I slowly opened my eyes and saw hair. I carefully leaned over to see who it was. I sighed in relief that it was just Tasha. I carefully got from under the covers and walked to the bathroom. I walked in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I was out of my night clothes and had on boxer shorts and a T-shirt. The hell? When I changed clothes. I heard in my room. I stopped and peeked in it. Tasha looked Aryana began crying. I ran up to her. "Tasha what's wrong?" I asked. She looked at me and hugged me. "I'm so scared Angel." She whispered. "Tasha it's okay. He's not gonna hurt you again." I said. "What if he comes back?" She asked, staring at me with big brown eyes.

"I'll kill him. You don't have to worry about him. Now hush all that crying. You've cried enough lately." I said. She sniffed and wiped her face. I picked her up and carried her downstairs. "Mama?" I called out. Just then, I heard quick movements. Mama, Daddy, and Trey appeared at the bottom of the stairs. They looked up at us. "Oh my God Angel. Are you okay? Tasha baby, how you feel?" Mama asked, walking up the stairs. She looked us up and down, checking us for anything. "Ma, we're fine. We just woke up." I said. "Good. Come one. We have lots to talk about." Said a voice. I looked down to see the Magic Council. The three of them walked over to the stairs. "Wow. Listen, Magic Council, maybe give us some time to fully wake up. I mean, a lot just happened to us. We are still a little bit tired." I said.

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