Chapter 1

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A gust of wind entered the lungs as the woman's chest heaved upwards, bringing on sputtering and coughing. The noise bounced off the nearly empty room. Throwing her body upwards, Daenerys gasped for the thick, humid air. Looking around the stone room, she fought to breathe normally once again. Her body began to sweat, wether from the panic or the heat she did not know. The light breeze carried itself through the open room, blowing against the exposed pale skin. Arched windows with marble fencing displayed the city and open ocean, the roar of the waves and the murmurs of the birds were the only noises. The sun shone brightly on the horizon.
Light footsteps could be heard, walking towards the arched doorway of the room she was held in. The shuffling of fabric behind her brought her to turn her body around, her exposed legs scraping against the stone table she was set upon. A woman cloaked in red wools stepped through the red fabric placed in the doorway, carrying a small box. She observed Daenerys silently.
      "It has worked."
      "Who are you?" Daenerys voice cracked, she searched for words, allowing her eyes to look upon the water lap at the edge of the sandy shores. She fought in the fog of her mind, struggling to remember where she was.
"Only a servant to our lord of light. It truly must have been his will for you to be back. The lord doesn't grant every prayer we attempt."
"Back?" Daenerys paused. Her memories flooded back to her, sinking and drowning her in her own emotions.
She had defeated Cersei in Kings Landing. She had taken her birth right. She had been at the iron throne. Jon Snow. The knife piercing her heart as he let her fall to the snow and ash covered stones.
Her heart ached not from the physical pain he had inflicted, but the betrayal he had left her with. When she needed him the most for support, he turned his back on her then killed her for it.
She looked down to her body, a pink line at her breast, barely covered by the tan chiffon robe her body was put in.
"Where is my dragon." She asked as she pulled the light fabric closer to her body.
"The dragon, your dragon, He had brought you to me. I took as a sign from the lord of light. He has not been seen since, It has been three days."
Daenerys hoisted herself up and off the stone table, her bare feet touching the stone flooring. She searched the pale woman's face, her red cloak covering her void of black hair.
"Where did he bring me?" She spoke, shakily walking to the open window arch of the room, the quiet hum of a city could be faintly heard. The golden beam of sun showered her, and the room in light. The woman began to extinguish the metal torches laid about the room.
"You are in Volantis. You are in the hospitality of the red priests and priestesses, and the lord of light himself."
"Thank you." She spoke to the woman in red. She glanced down to the box she had been holding. Dark oak with golden etch work.
The woman only nodded solemnly, handing it to Daenerys.
She gently took the box, opening it slowly. Inside held her silver dragon chain attached with the crimson cape she had worn the day she had been at the foot of the throne. Her throne. She lifted it up and out of the box. With a clang, something slipped to the floor.
Daenerys peered downwards, a small knife had fallen out of the cape. The knife he had used to take her life. The black handle and small silver pommel reflected in the golden Volantis sun.
Bending her body downward, she grasped the handle of the blade. Turning it in her hand, she clutched it harshly, her knuckles turning white.
"You must have been a very important person." The red woman finally spoke, observing the queens movements.
"I am Daenerys Targaryen. First of my name, the unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the first men. Khaleesi of the great grass sea, rightful ruler of the seven kingdoms, breaker of chains, and mother of dragons." Daenerys placed the knife onto her crimson cape, her face twisting into a smile.
"And I will take what was stolen from me, again. With fire and blood."

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