Chapter 20

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Tyrion sat in the empty counsel room with King Brandon Stark, it was silent and dark.
      "Who will tell Sansa?" Tyrion spoke grimly,
      "She's with child. She can't raise it on her own without her lord husband."
Bran sat in silence, his face void of expression.
      "Daenerys used him to hatch her dragon. She lit him on fire. I didn't look ahead far enough to know it was too dangerous for him to leave."
Tyrion looked down in shame, how would he tell a pregnant woman her husband was dead?
Brianne walked into the counsel room, searching for the king.
      "What's wrong?" Brianne spoke, her golden armor looked grey and dim from the lack of lights.
      "Lord Korb Stark, was murdered By Daenerys Targaryen. She used his body to hatch her dragon egg." Tyrion murmured.
Brianne took a seat, stuck in shock.
      "Who will tell her?"
Tyrion and Brandon looked to Brianne.
      "You're her trusted protector. But allow me to come with you." Tyrion spoke, pushing himself away from the table.
Brianne reluctantly nodded, following Tyrion to Sansa's room.
Brianne knocked lightly on her chamber door, as Sansa gave permission to come in.
She sat on her bed, her belly protruding slightly. On the side, a book half read.
      "My queen." Brianne started, "We have dark news."
Sansa's face trembled, nodding.
      "Daenerys hatched her dragon by use of your husband. He murdered a friend of hers, and almost the child. She in turn lit him on fire to hatch her dragon egg. My queen, I'm so very sorry for your loss."
Sansa was silent, her face twisted into immeasurable loss and despair. She began to shake as she let out a mournful wail, covering her face. Brianne rushed to her side, but Sansa stuck a single arm out to stop her.
      "LEAVE! LEAVE! LEAVE!" She wailed, her sobs filling the room.
Brianne murmured something to Sansa, as she led Tyrion and herself out of the room.
No amount of essence of nightshade could stiffen her sobs. They echoed in the keep.
Tyrion was awake, reading in the late hours. He lit yet another candle before hearing another one of Sansa's silent cries. He folded the page, and jumped up from his bed, walking to Sansa's chambers.
He lightly knocked at the door where the sobs were being produced, it was silent before she whispered a single 'go away'. Tyrion persisted, walking into the room.
Her hair was wild and knotted, pieces were strewn around the room from her grief. Her face bore claw marks around her cheeks.
      "What do you want." She choked, her eyes were red, highlighted by the dark circles underneath.
      "I want to say I'm sorry." Tyrion sat at the foot of her bed, "Its a terrible thing for a woman with child to go through."
She was silent, her eyes burned pure hatred for none other than Tyrion Lannister. The man who encouraged him to leave.
      "You server her. You knew how cruel she is, yet you told my husband to go anyways." She hid her face in her hands. Her knuckles were bruised and bloody, she couldn't take breaths when she cried. The hicks were the only thing that broke her sobs.
Tyrion inched forward to her, placing a hand upon her knee.
      "I can never apologize enough for what I encouraged. Lady Stark, I'm so very sorry for what has happened to your house. The only good may come of this is you have a strong boy from your husband."
Sansa pushes away his hand, placing her own on her stomach.
      "Lord Tyrion. I am but three moons with child. In six more, I will be on this bed screaming in pain. Who will be there? Who will be there to hold my hand? Who will be there to help name my child? Who will be there to see them grow? To teach them? To see them rule Winterfell?"
Her eyes narrowed to him.
      "You have not a clue of the torment I've been put through. You've not a clue the worse to come, when she rides across the sea with her dragon and her ancestral thirst for blood."
Tyrion looked down in shame only for a second.
      "Get out."

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