Chapter 2

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The cold wind of the far north lashed against Jon's face. He rode alongside Thormud as he had for the past few days, waiting to reach the camp on the riverbank that once held the wildings, before they moved beyond the wall with Jon. Ghost trotted along with the stallion, only his crimson eyes could be made out from the snow sometimes, when he glanced up ever so often at Jon.
"I told you that you belong up here." Thormud let out a deep laugh. If he weren't on a horse, he'd slap Jon's back.
"You were right. It truly is my real home." Jon looked down to Ghost, who seemed to agree with him. The dire wolf's paws sank into the deep snow, never too far behind the horse. He'd missed the snow and frost of the place beyond the wall.
Jon let his mind slip into to the week before. Having to kill his lover, being kept in a cell, until being banished to a place that no longer exists by his kingly brother. He felt the tightening in his throat thinking about the knife he pulled onto her. The betrayal marked on her face. He had not slept properly, scarcely ate, or communicated to anyone but Thormud. Even then, it took the day for him to get pulled out of his mind and back to reality.
A white horse appeared in the distance, kicking up snow and dirt behind it. Steam rose from the nose and mouth of the horse, letting out a whinny, he stopped in front of the train of people. Upon the horse was a younger man, maybe 16. The one Thormud had sent out earlier that morning, to scout and search for the site.
"We'll be at the old camp before sundown. It's not too far. The snow is starting to clear. I can take you to it."
Thormud nodded to the boy as a dismissal. He turned his horse around and began to walk at the same pace of the group, leading it to the thick brush of the forest.

Hours later, the party had reached the old site. The old fish traps still lay at the side of the river, burnt wood remained, and scraps of fur that hadn't been blown away or taken by birds.
"Jon, you don't have a hut do you?" Thormud spoke, dismounting his chestnut horse and unloading the pack attached to the makeshift saddle.
"Can't say I do. If I had my own I wouldn't have to hear you snore loud enough to bring back the white walkers."  Jon followed, swinging his leg off and jumping to the snow covered ground, as he sunk to his shins.
Thormud let out a laugh and gave a sharp punch to his arm,
   "Well I've got a good friend you can share with, she'll be okay with it trust me." He leaned closer to Jon's ear, "She's not too bad lookin either."
Jon followed Thormud to a slender woman finishing up the circular tent the wildlings have used for so long.
"Erid, I've got a favor to ask." He yelled at her direction. The woman turned to greet the ginger giant. Her square face wind burnt and red, her hooked nose the same.
"What is it Thormud. I'm already busy."
"My good friend here Jon Snow needs to get away from me for a while, by any chance he could sleep in your tent until a new one is made up for him?"
The woman looked to meet Jon in the eye. She glanced him up and down, as a butcher does a sow.
"Why of course." Her face turned into a smirk, as if she knew something Jon did not.    
"Names Erid." She spoke, looking up to Jon. Her long and dark copper hair framed her face as her grey eyes looked into his. He was suddenly homesick for Winterfell.
"Jon. Jon Snow." He nodded, trying as best he could to shake all the emotions from the day. He clutched the furs from the back of his horse and followed Erid to where she pitched her tent, near the middle of the camp's fire.
"If you're lucky the fires big enough to warm the tent." She spoke, crawling into the structure of branches and fur.
Jon crawled in after her, laying down his furs on the other side of the tent. Between the two, the tent was enough for them to sleep at a comfortable enough distance. It's all he needed until he had his own to sleep in.
He unstrapped his sword belt and tucked long claw away, along with the heavy black cloak he had been so graciously bestowed once more, bringing Erid's attention.
"So you're the crow boy everyone talks about. You're the one who let us past the wall to fight in your war." She spoke, turning her body to Jon.
All he did was nod, resting his body on the mound of soft furs. He did not mention the fact he died for them to come beyond the wall as well. He just wanted to rest and not awaken.
"I thought you were a king. What are you doing out of your castle."
Jon was silent. Hoping she would give up her chat soon.
"Well Jon Snow, If there's any way I could thank you-" she subtly tugged at the furs she wore.
"It's a bit too soon for me now." Jon cut her off, not staring in her direction. He brought his body upward and crawled out of the tent to find Thormud, denying his feelings once more.

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