Chapter 9

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      "If we attack her, we lose all element of any surprise! You ignorant man!" Brianne shouted over the small council table to Bronn.
Gendry had sent word from Storms End of the dragon queen sailing further east, causing a mass panic among the royals.
"Meereen specifically. To where she liberated." Bran spoke.
      "So will we allow her to sail to Meereen, to build her army while we sit pretty?" He snapped back at the commander of kings guard.
Tyrion banged his fist on the table, bringing the attention of the meeting.
      "Silence! We are not children!" He roared. "Brianne is right. If we simply attack her now, she will be more on the alert when we send our assassin."
      "Her dragon, it's with her now." Brans face twisted in confusion suddenly, "There's something about it, but I can't tell. It's odd."
      "What did Edmure say to our raven." Sam chipped in. He was always quite silent during these meetings
      "He said he had the man in mind, and would send him a raven in later time." Bronn looked at the council and snapped. "So we'll just sit here, like prey."
      "We are not prey." Brianne rolled her eyes. "Edmure is bringing in soldiers daily. Ser Davos is having a fleet rebuilt. As we speak Sansa Stark is organizing new and fair laws for the citizens of Kings Landing." She narrowed her eyes to Bronn. "I suggest you find how to pay for all of it."
The bickering of the council went on until Brandon Stark finally ceased it, mostly to stop Brianne from pulling a sword on Bronn.
Tyrion walked through the royal gardens, he felt the warm breeze blow his hair, as the sun reflected off the grey and gold tunic. On the side, his hand pin displayed proudly.
"Mind if I walk with you, Lord Tyrion?" He recognized the voice anywhere.
"Podrick! Or should I say Ser Podrick." Tyrion laughed, as the young man walked up to him. "Congratulations on your knighthood. You'll make a fine knight."
"Thank you my lord. Congratulations on your spot of hand of the king."
"Sometimes I really wonder if it's an honor. You see the way we bicker like children."
"Yes, but it's also my job just to watch the door." Podrick smiled. The sun reflecting valiantly off his golden Kings guard armor.
"Nevertheless, it's hard to get work done. Especially the money. We still must rebuild the red keep, and the city." He stared up at the monster of a castle, half of it still falling apart.
"Bronn will find a way I'm sure." Podrick nodded to Tyrion. A group of girls walked to Podrick with a giggle.
"I shall leave you to your duties, Ser Podrick." Tyrion chuckled. His short legs hobbled away, back to the red keep.
From the open balcony of the keep, he saw new ships being built. The Stark direwolf with a golden crown painted onto the sails. He saw builders working on the destroyed keep, and the ruined city. Food rations being handed out. Oh how lovely was Kings Landing?
"My lord Tyrion, I hope not to disrupt you." Briannes voice called out. Tyrion turned to behind him. "Not at all. Come watch the sights of the city."
Brianne walked next to him. "What will you do, about Casterly Rock?" She spoke, her eyes examining the city.
"To be honest, I never thought of that. Since I am the only surviving Lannister-" He cut himself off as his throat tightened. "I need a wife."
"That would be good. We already had too many of a great house die out. Don't let the lions be next."
The two stayed and chatted for a while, but inevitably she left, leaning Tyrion to his own thoughts. Cersei and Jamie crushed to death. He remembered what Jamie had always said. They would die together as they were born together.
"And I guess it was right, brother." Tyrion spoke aloud. A sad laugh followed as he walked away from the balcony.

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