Chapter 38

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As the early morning light streamed through the window, Jon reached his arm over his wife, only to touch a cold, empty spot. He sighed, remembering he was sent to sleep elsewhere. Slowly, he got up and walked to the room they once shared. He opened the door silently, walking up to their bed. Erid still lay fast asleep, a mound of furs on top of her. Jon slid in silently, the bed was warm and inviting. He slid an arm around his wife, as she stirred silently in sleep. Resting his eyes, he clutched onto her.
"What do you think you're doing." Erid whispered, her voice still groggy.
"You looked lonely in this big bed." Jon smiled, trying to make light of it.
"I wasn't lonely. I was sleeping. Was." She tried moving out of his grip, but he tightened it.
"Erid, I'm sorry. I can't do anything about it now. I understand that I hurt you. I'm sorry." He pleaded, hoping to not be turned away.
Erid turned to face Jon, as she looked into his eyes.
"It's going to take a while for me to forgive you."
Jon held her close, his forehead resting on hers.
"I'll wait the rest of our lives then."
The sound of racing footsteps drew his attention, as the door of their bedroom was busted through.
"Ser, we need you immediately!" A guard yelled, as Jon quickly got out of bed, dressing himself.
"Get Lyanna." Jon spoke, as he ran out the door. He followed the guard, looking out the open window. In the distance, a large ship, with two large forms in the sky. Jon's heart raced.
"Secure the entrances." He demanded, running back to Erid. She stood half dressed, cradling Lyanna.
"Jon, what is it?" Her eyes were filled with fear. He grabbed her by the shoulder and led her down the winding stairs, to a secret dock.
A small rowboat lay hidden in the back of Dragonstone.
"I need you to get in this, and leave." His eyes locked into hers, as her face winced in pain.
"Jon What's happening?" She cried, her eyes brimming with tears, she clutched Lyanna tightly.
"Do as I say, please." He whispered, wrapping his arms around her tightly. He planted a kiss on her forehead, hoping she wouldn't feel his trembling body.
"I love you." Jon whispered, kissing her.
"I love you, Jon. I'm so sorry."
A guard escorted Erid onto the boat, as he began rowing them away from Dragonstone. Erid laid on the floor of the boat, covered in furs with Lyanna. The sound of screeching filled the air, they were here. Jon made his way back up, seeing Drogon on the wall of Dragonstone, with a shining white dragon.
"They've already taken out the scorpion bolts! Daenerys has come down from her dragon." A soldier called.
"Let me handle this." Jon walked past the men, and past their bickering to not leave. Slowly, he walked outside, seeing Daenerys at the far end of the stone walk way.
"I told you what would happen if you didn't leave." She called, as the white dragon let out a deep growl.
"Dany please, let me go. I'll leave Dragonstone to you, leave me and my family be."
"So you leave Dragonstone to me?" She spoke, as her unsullied soldiers gathered behind her.
"Yes. Leave us be."
Daenerys turned to the unsullied, speaking in a foreign language. They broke away from her, grabbing Jon.
"I saw a small ship. What is that?" Her head cocked. She knew.
"Leave it be, Daenerys." His face turned stone, as his stomach flipped.
"Load him on the boat. I want him to see what it is too."

Jon was attached to the ship post, his hands and feet bound. The large ship came across the rowboat, which hadn't made it far.
"Take the boat. Bring it to us." Daenerys ordered an unsullied, as a spear was shot into the side of the boat.
Jon saw Erids Head go up out of fear, staring up at the large ship. Daenerys turned her head and smiled to Jon.

Erid and the guard were dragged up onto the main deck, as Erid hid Lyanna underneath her furs, trying her best to keep the babe quiet. Daenerys nodded to a group of guards, as they seized Erid.
"Leave her alone!" Jon snapped, fighting against the ropes that held him. The guard went to draw his sword, only to be pierced through the stomach by a unsullied spear.
"Jon!" Erid cried out, as Lyanna was taken from her arms.
"Take it far away. Essos." Daenerys ordered, as Erid fought against the guards.
"Leave her alone! Leave my daughter alone! Please!" She cried our, kicking and trying to pry her arms away from the men.
Jon stared up at Daenerys, hatred in his eyes.
"Let them go, Daenerys!" He yelled, staring at his desperate wife.
Daenerys nodded to the guards, as they slowly unhandled her.
"The babe stays with me." Daenerys spoke
"No!" Erid cried, walking to her, as the unsullied readied their weapons.
"Im leaving with my babe." Erid growled.
Daenerys stared down at the woman, her face cold.
"You can leave with your life."
"Erid, just go. Get on the boat. I'll find a way." His eyes softened, as Erid turned to him.
"Jon..." she spoke, but the unsullied had already rushed her down to the small rowboat.

She had carried herself halfway to Dragonstone, when the ship began its return as well. The iridescent dragon above them reflected every color of the rainbow in the sun, reminding of an opal.
"Jon, do you remember me saying see what happens when you betray me again?" Daenerys called, watching the small rowboat make its way to the castle.
      "Aye." Jon spoke coldly.
Daenerys turned to the young dragon above her, screaming at the top of her lungs.
Jons blood ran cold as he began to shake, screaming incoherent words. The dragon made its way to the small boat, releasing a stream of fire in front of it. Jon fought the ropes, as if he could do something to save his wife. The small boat was already aflame, he could hear the distant screams inside the crackling fire as he broke down. His throat began to burn as he let out a scream, slamming his head against the pole of the ship. His eyes burnt as his body shook with grief.
      "Return to Dragonstone as normal." Daenerys spoke to the Unsullied, turning her back on Jon.

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