Chapter 19

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      "I want him taken in the field outside Meereen. I want him tied to a post there and you will await my further instructions." Daenerys ordered the guard, as they marched off to grab the prisoner.
      "What about me?" Mativa asked softly.
Daenerys belt down beside her, pulling her into a tight hug, "You don't need to see these type of things. Your tutor will watch over you until I return." Daenerys kisses her on the forehead as she walked to the outside of the pyramid. Her black, chiffon dress and cape blew in the wind. It would be a rainy day. She grabbed a cloth bag, filled with a heavy item as she fastened her silver dragon chain around her body snugly.
She set off for a horse to ride into the fields.
The clopping of hooves silenced as she hit the green grass. In the far distance she saw the pole she had ordered he be attached to. She whipped the reins as the white stallion set off into a run, bringing the attention of the gatherings. A thunderous cry rained down on them, Drogon was going to be there first. She stopped before a guard and dismounted, he took the reins and walked the horse away.
Daenerys walked up to the man who killed her friend, she observed his face. His sharp features and thick hair were most prominent.
      "Who are you. You're certainly not from my city."
      "I am Lord Korb Stark." He growled at Daenerys, his voice dripping in venom.
       "A Stark? How have I never seen you."
      "I'm married to Lady Sansa Stark."
Her. She tried to kill her. The people in Kings Landing know she's alive.
Drogon shuffled forward to the prisoner, his teeth bared as he let out a husky growl.
Daenerys placed her canvas bag down, taking out a knife from it.
      "This, Korb, is the knife my love used to stab me in the heart with. And not even that could stop me."She pointed the knife to his Adam's apple, trailing up to his chin.
      "I'm not giving you anymore information, dragon bitch." He spat on her, as Daario landed A punch to his open stomach.
      "You're alive by her mercy. Show the queen respect." He yelled at the man.
Korb had his hands bound behind him around the pole, while his feet were tied together. He was completely helpless against them.
      "Soldiers, since this man has nothing to prove of himself, find me wood." The soldiers nodded and hopped on their horses.
      "You won't make me talk." Daenerys smiled to him,
      "Your voice is not what I need."
After a while, the soldiers brought back kindling as they placed it around Korb's post.
Daenerys instead took some of the wood away, making a separate circle. She took one last torch of wood, and walked to Drogon.
      "Dracarys." She called, holding the wood in front of him. He released a spew of dragon fire,  catching the torch. Daenerys turned to the helpless prisoner, his eyes turned in fear.
      "I, Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen, rightful heir to the iron throne, sentence you to die." She walked to the pier which held Korb, and placed the torch in the kindling, bringing the man to scream.
Daenerys walked to the canvas bag, removing from it her dragon egg.
      "My queen, what are you about to do?" Daario called, as Daenerys turned to look at him. She stepped into the second ring of wood, she screams from the man drowned any noise. The second ring of Fire engulfed her, she clutched the dragon egg tightly. She felt her clothes burn away, she heard the merciless screams of the burning man. She felt herself engulfed by the fires, she felt the egg shake.
After the fires around her died, Daenerys opened her eyes for the first time. In her hands, the dragon egg still stood.
       "Daenerys, I'm sorry." Daario stepped behind her, placing a hand on her bare body.
But the dragon egg trembled, it shook. A cracking noise followed, and another one. The egg split open and a tiny shriek filled the air. She felt the thing crawl onto her shoulder, as everyone around her dropped to their knees, in awe.
A tiny, ice blue dragon lay at Daenerys shoulder. Drogons roars filled the sky in triumph.

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