Chapter 16

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The northern queen rushed up the stairs. Her back hurt, as did her head. Her stomach was twisted and her breasts felt sore. She entered her room and shut the door behind her. She felt her chest shake, and tears threatened to spill over. She wiped her eyes, trying to suppress them. Her husband in unknown danger for weeks.
A knock on the door broke her emotion.
      "Who is it." Her voice shook. She felt like the little girl in Kings Landing once more.
      "Brianne, your Grace. May I come in."
Sansa's emotion lifted slightly. "Yes, please."
Brianne opened the door and closed it behind her, she sat next to Sansa on her bed. She placed a hand on Sansa's shoulder .
      "I'm so sorry. I vowed Lady Catelyn to protect you. I can't protect him, Bran has already ordered him."
      "I asked him not to tell them. I asked him
Please stay with me." Sansa's voice broke. She let out a sob as Brianne took her hand, the smallest comfort she could give her.
      "Brianne, please if you could get maester Tarly. Somethings wrong with me." Sansa sniffed, trying to clear her eyes and running nose from the tears.
      "Of course, M'lady." Brianne spoke, leaving Sansa in her chambers.
Sansa sat on the edge of the bed in pain, she laid down. It felt like hammers in her head and muscles. Her back was never comfortable. Footsteps echoed up the tower as Sansa laid still, she couldn't get up.
Samwell entered her room, looking down at the queen. "What seems to be the issue, Queen Stark?"
      "My lower back is hurting, my head is hurting, my chest is hurting, everything is sore. Nothing brings me relief."
Samwell flipped through an old book, his face turning a slight red. "Excuse me, my queen, but when was the last time you and your husband..." he trailed off.
      "At an Inn, just a few days ago. We've done many more times before, like our wedding night."
It dawned on Sansa at last.
      "Congratulations, your grace. You'll be expecting a little prince or princess soon."

Sansa walked to the ship, given to Korb by Ser Davos. She walked up to her husband, who stood waiting to say goodbye. Sansa strung herself around him. Her pleads couldn't wash away even a little of his determination.
      "I'm pregnant." She finally spoke. She looked to her lord husband as his face filled with joy. He placed a hand on her stomach.
      "And when I get back, we'll think of names." He gave her his charming smile that still melted her heart. She nodded at least, she knew she couldn't change his mind. She once more wrapped her body around him, in attempts to deter him from leaving her. Alas, the ship was ready to set. It would be weeks before she were to see him again.
As the ship took off, Sansa placed a hand on her belly, where her child developed, as she waved goodbye to her husband.
Brianne approached her, giving her hand a slight squeeze with the message 'it'll be okay'.
Sansa turned to Brianne with a sad smile.

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