Chapter 12

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The great pyramid stood against the rising sun as they approached the great city of Meereen. Her indigo waters shined and sparkled in the purple sunrise. They had been on ship for a week, and everyone was excited to be on solid grounds. The ship Drogon sailed into the crowded port, with its two brothers behind him. Once the ship had dropped its anchor, Daenerys grabbed the hands of Bani and Mativa and led them off the ship with her. Daenerys felt them breeze on her shoulders and neck, a feeling strange to her.
Will my people still recognize me?
She stepped down onto the dock, feeling the solid wood beneath her sandals. The crowded streets of Meereen swallowed the women in the city. Daenerys quickly grabbed Mativa and lifted her up, she held onto her as to not lose her in the streets.
The great pyramid casted a large shadow above the three women, as they made their way inside. The faint sounds of voices filled the air, Daenerys climbed another flight. When she had found the floor she once used to live in before leaving for Dragonstone, there stood Daario Naharis. His back was turnt to her, he was looking at a map.
"How has it been without me?" Daenerys called, her voice bouncing off the great room: she watched as Daario turn to face her. His face turned to shock as he approached Daenerys.
"Is it really you?" He whispered, putting a hand to her cheek, observing her face and her chopped hair.
Daenerys nodded, smiling she put her hand on his. He pulled her into a tight embrace, picking her up in the process.
"My queen, it's been too long." He cried, as he set her down. His eyes went to observe her, as he caught sight of the gash at her breast.
"What happened?"
Daenerys looked up to her lover, a sad smile on her face. "I lost. I had the throne, I killed my enemies. And my nephew killed me."
Daario's face twisted into anger, clutching her tightly. "We'll get our revenge." He whispered to her.
Daenerys turned to Bani and Mativa, a smile on her face.
"We'll stay for the month in Meereen. I'll gather my allies and armies, then we sail to my ancestral home. Then we take Kings Landing."
Bani grabbed Daenerys hand, "I can never thank you enough for what you've done for me." Her black eyes filled with happiness. Daenerys smiled, planing her hand on Bani's.
"You are my royal advisor. Go to the city, purchase clothing, or buy any fabric you so desire. You're a part of my cabinet now."
Mativa ran through the rooms of the great pyramid, jumping on furniture.
Daenerys introduced Bani and Mativa to Daario, explaining how he helped her liberate Meereen.
"Please, begin putting out announcements for the war. Have messengers carry it to Astapor, and to Yunkai. My unsullied will be sailing in shortly, and hopefully my ally." Daario nodded to his queen, commanding one of his soldiers.
The thundering screech of Drogon pierced the air, as Mativa was the first person to run to the deck. Drogon hovered above the deck, peering inside. His head turned frantically side to side. Daenerys dragged Daario to where Mativa stood. As she reached a hand to Drogon, he snarled, recoiling from her reach. She drew her hand back quickly.
"He has something in his claw!" Mativa pointed. She was right, one of his claws was bunched in, he held something he didn't want anybody to have.
"Drogon!" Daenerys called, hoping to comfort him, to get what he had from his clutches. Drogon looked to Dany, staring her in the eyes. He flew upwards, only slightly above Daenerys. A crowd of people gathered below them, in awe of the beast in their city.
She held her arms out, to catch the thing he held in his claw. He finally released it, the heavy object dropping into her arms.
"What is it? Bani came up behind Daenerys.
Dany turned around, her face pale in shock.
In her arms, a white dragon egg shined with blue hues.

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