Chapter 7

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      "And they want me as their master of laws?" Sansa turned to the northern man who had just received the raven from Kings Landing.
"It appears so, M'lady. Shall I write back?"
Sansa nodded in approval, watching him carry away the gold direwolf waxed letter. She sat back down at her throne for only a second, before getting up to walk around the castle. As she walked, the servants bowed their heads to her before she nodded in appreciation. For a while, it was peaceful. She thought back to the fights her and Arya had. She remembered her needle work while watching Robb and Jon teaching Bran his archery. Even little Rickon with his direwolf running around. But the good memories did not last long, the thumping of footsteps thundered behind her drew her out of her daydreams.
"My lady, queen of the north, we have a visitor at our gates." The guard behind her spoke.
Smoothing her black dress, she nodded as she followed the guard out to the courtyard. She could hear the mutter of people outside, and the snorts of horses.
As she walked outside the castle, two black stallions stood in the courtyard, one bearing the flag of house Uxor, a simple flag with a black fox on a white field. On the other horse held up the presumed lord, who she had not seen in years.
"My lord Korb." Sansa smiled, "We missed you on the battle of Winterfell. And the battle of Kings Landing."
The man dismounted his steed, walking twords the northern queen.
"My lady Stark, I apologize. I only just returned from Essos. My late father recently passed, and I had to take lordship, my little brother himself is too young."
Sansa nodded, "I'm sorry of your loss. What brought you to Essos, lord Uxor?"
"Sells swords work costs much more than a few golden dragons there."
The man withdrew the hood of his cloak, revealing a head full of thick, black curls. His green eyes laid on Sansa, as he smiled.
      "Could we talk in a little more privacy?"
The northern king and queen strolled to the godwood tree, it's few red leaves clinging to the stocky branches.
      "I'd like to congratulate you on your rule of Winterfell, your father would be very proud."
      "As yours, Lord Uxor." Sansa stopped abruptly, looking up to the tall man.
      "Why have you come all this way?"
He stopped, and let a deep sigh, from his belt, he pulled a breathtaking blue rose.
      "Your aunt Lyanna's favorite." He handed her the stem, she gently grasped it with her gloved hand.
      "I want to combine our houses."
Sansa stared at him in awe. "I've just come into power of Winterfell, and you plan to strip that from me by marriage?"
      "No. I want you to keep your ancestral home. Let me rule at your side as your husband. Allow me to court you for just a week, and allow me to show you." The man got to his knee.
      "Lord Uxor, you're rather quick to come here. This is quite sudden."
      "I know, my queen. But I figured if I did not reach you first, you would have a line of suitors outside your castle."
Sansa paused in thought. I always wanted to be queen. With a powerful king and have our children be princes and princesses
      "Very well, Lord Uxor. Our courting may start tomorrow, you have one week. You and your advisor are welcome to stay at Winterfell."
The man brought himself up from his knee, gently taking the winter rose Sansa still held, and placed it behind her ear.
      "I won't let you down, my queen."

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