Chapter 22

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      "Is there something you're not telling me about this dragon queen, Jon." Erid stared at him, her eyes narrowing. Jon sighed.
      "We had something going on a long time ago, that I had to put an end to."
"I just wish you would've told me."
"I didn't want you to have to worry. Bran himself said she wouldn't be coming for years."
Erid placed a hand on her protruding stomach, "I'm your wife, and I'm six moons pregnant. Do you think this place is safe for us when she comes to fight?"
"No. That's why I'm staying here and you'll be at Winterfell by then." Jon spoke, placing his hands on her shoulders. "I can't lose you or our children. And she will go after you both if you're here."
"Let her! I'll knock her off her stupid lizard." Erid rolled her eyes, leaving Jon to smile.
A knock came at their chamber door, as Jon opened it. Tyrion and Sansa stood, waiting.
"Perhaps you would like to join us for dinner?" Tyrion spoke, Sansa giving a curt nod.
"Lady Stark, so very glad to see you." Erid smiled to her, Sansa returned the favor.
"Why yes, allow us to get dressed properly and we'll meet you."
Erid slipped on a white and gold trim gown, it accentuated her bump. Jon wore his standard Stark grey, leaving his fur cloak behind. Erid wrapped an arm around his as the two together embarked down the spiraling stairs of the Red Keep.
The first course served was a creamy chestnut soup, topped with smoked duck breast. At the table, Tyrion and Sansa sat across from Jon and Erid.
"How have you been doing?" Jon spoke to Sansa, as she took another spoonful of the soup.
"I finally ate properly a couple days ago, Bran sat with me and told me my baby'll be a boy." She smiled.
"Do you think he'll help us with ours?" Jon smiled, placing a hand on Erid's belly.
Sansa's face flashed a look of pain, turning away quickly only to see Bran.
"I can." He spoke, wheeling his chair to the table.
"Get the second course already, your king is here!" Tyrion clapped his hands to alert the servants.
The second course was set in front of the table. Fresh trout cooked In clay, with strawberries set on sweet grass, and warm oat bread with fruit and nuts baked inside.
"You said you know the gender?" Erid spoke, breaking open the clay to reveal the hot, flakey meat of the fish.
"Yes...congratulations. It's a boy and a girl."
"Both!" Jon and Erid laughed, hugging each other in joy.
"We'll be picking two names then." He smiled, squeezing her hand.
"I guess they won't have last names." Erid spoke. "Wildlings don't. And you're a bastard."
"Not anymore."
The people at the table turned to Bran.
"You're the son of Lyanna Stark, and Rhaegar Targaryen. Their last names will be Targaryen. And I'll give you Dragonstone."
Erid's eyes flew open with a smile, "King Brandon Stark thank you."
Jon froze. "My lord that's an awfully high honor."
"You freed us of a tyrant. It would be an honor, Jon Targaryen." Tyrion smiled.
Jon smiled to Erid, "We'll be close to Kings Landing, so you're never too far."
Erid kissed him with a smile, "We'll have our own castle for our own little prince and princess."

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