Chapter 25

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The warm night air of Kings Landing wafted through the dark room. Jon laid next to Erid, the babe still in her arms. Their lost child had already been taken after they said their goodbyes.
      "He had your hair." Erid whispered, as she placed a hand on their baby girl. She had Erid's grey eyes, and her dark copper hair.
      "But we have a mini you ." He smiled, sitting up to look her in the eyes.
      "I already know what to name her."
      "Shouldn't the father have a opinion too?" He laughed, brushing the hair from Erid's face.
      "Lyanna Targaryen." She looked down to their baby, happiness flowed from her. Jon nodded to her, looking down at Lyanna
      "I think it's perfect."
Jon woke to Lyanna's wails, the early crack of morning shined through the opened window. Jon gently shook her awake, while he slipped out of the bed. Erid uncovered her chest to feed the crying babe.
Jon embarked to the kitchens, where the servants cooked breakfast. Jon ordered two servings to be brought to their room, as he walked back up the stairs. The babes wails had silenced, probably enjoying breakfast as well. Jon walked in, seeing Erid holding Lyanna.
      "There's dad." Erid smiled, holding her out for Jon to take. He wrapped his arms around her, the crook of his elbow supporting her head. Lyannas grey eyes shined on him, her few wisps of hair waved when the light breeze came through. Jon gently set her down in the crib they had in their room, a blanket covering the second one they had made. Maybe if Sansa needs one.
The servants brought in two trays, and set them on the table that lay by the open balcony windows in their room. Hot porridge with honey and milk, tea boiled eggs, with crispy fish and warm bread. Jon brought Erid her tray in bed.
      "I don't want you to get up more than you have to. You need to rest and eat." Erid planted a kiss on his cheek, as Jon walked to the table to eat.
      "Do you think I did something wrong." Erid asked him, taking a bite of her fish.
     "Not at all. The midwife said Lyanna just developed quicker than him, and she just ended up with more nutrients."
Erid stared down at her food, she was silent only for a moment. "I couldn't produce for you an heir."
      "Sansa is queen of Winterfell. If we have no other children, then Lyanna will be the one to inherit Dragonstone when she's of age." Jon looked to his wife, a sad smile on his face. "Everything is okay now."
Erid returned his smile and soaked her bread in the honey, pouring the rest in her porridge.
Jon dressed himself while Erid napped, slipping on a grey tunic over his dark grey pants. He grabbed Lyanna from her crib, she was half asleep at the moment. Nevertheless he carried her out of the room, to the dining hall where the rest of the castle was.
      "She looks just like her mother." Sansa smiled, as she motioned for the rest of the people to come and see. Bran looked down on her.
      "Lyanna Targaryen?"
Jon nodded. "It was Erid's idea. If our boy had survived we would've named him Benjen."
      "How cute. Im happy for you two, Jon." Samwell spoke. "I'm so sorry about your boy."
I just wish people stopped bringing him up.
Jon walked back up to the room he and Erid shared, slowly placing the sleepy Lyanna into her crib. Erid stirred silently.
      "Jon?" She asked sleepily, stretching in bed.
      "Go back to sleep, love. I just put her down for a nap."
Erid patted the spot next to her in bed, as Jon crawled in and under the warm covers. Erid threw her arm around him and pulled him close.
      "I can't stop thinking about it. I wish they were both here together." She spoke, he felt his tunic getting wet with tears.
      "It's not your fault. You know it's not."
Erid wiped her eyes. "I guess everything happens for a reason."

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