Chapter 31

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      Daenerys Targaryen,
Jon Snow sails for Dragonstone with his wife and daughter. Brandon Stark gave it to him. Sansa Stark has given birth to a baby boy. Jon and Erid will be trying soon for another babe. I've taken advantage by replacing the tea with moon tea.
Yours truly, Mativa

"He's in DRAGONSTONE!?" Daenerys howled, crumpling the paper in her fists. She threw the papyrus sheet aside, fuming in her anger. "I want to attack now."
      "That wouldn't be wise. You're putting your baby at risk, and if you attack Jon Snow, they will want war with you."
Daenerys fumed. "He's taken my castle. Where I was born."
     "Yes, my queen. But acting on anger will only be your downfall. We can't attack now, we'll lose our element of surprise and we'll start a war we aren't ready to win." The red priestess spoke.
      "Mativa sabotaged them." Daario smiled, reminding Daenerys. Jons wife would be unable to get pregnant and produce another male Targaryen if she continued with the tea.
"It'll already be hard enough to get rid of that little bastard they have now. If you leave the babe alive, that only runs risk that she'll find out about her lineage." Daario's voice hardened.
"I will not kill an innocent child. As I said before, we'll give her away. She'll never know."
"My queen." Yara called, walking into the room. "We have the fleet and our soldiers. We would have arrived much sooner, but a storm swept us off course."
      "No issue, I'm just glad I still have some loyalty."
      "Grey Worm and I demanded justice. We demanded Jon be punished. Instead he was sent to the wall where he got a wildling wife. Some justice done by that king." Yara growled.
      "We will get our justice. We will make our own and ensure those who betrayed us will not bother again."

Daenerys, Daario, and Yara sat to dinner. In front of them, roasted peacock stuffed with oysters, exotic fruits in spices, with fruit tarts for dessert.
      "Your grace, how long do you plan to wait?" Yara spoke, taking a chunk of peacock.
      "I want to attack as soon as possible. I still have seven more months until my child is born, I can't risk putting them in danger. I need my dragon to grow as well, Baehra will be no use if she's too small."
      "Seems she grows larger every day. She's almost the size of a dog now." Daario spoke, looking out the window. In the fields that lay across Meereen, Drogon and Baehra slept, having enjoyed hunting for wild goats.
      "The first plan of action will be to get Jon Snow. He's in my home castle. I'll take his wife and his child and I'll make him suffer for it." Her voice turned cold, her face hardened. "Then I'll take the kingdoms once more. I've done it before, I can do it again."
      "Bran has...whatever he has." Yara paused, taking a drink of wine. "The element of surprise won't work."
      "Then the red keep will have to go down first." Daenerys spoke, unrolling a map across the table edge. "I had this made, a map of the seven kingdoms."
      "What will you do about Sansa Stark? You know she'll never yield." Yara spoke, pointing to Winterfell.
      "It's easy. She either bends the knee or dies. And when she bends the knee to me, I'll take her soldiers swords and remake my iron throne."

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