Chapter 14

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The cold night winds blew against him, with only the moon for light. There were few fires still in the wildling camp, it'd grown increasingly late. Jon snuck behind the tent he and Erid shared. From his pocket, he snuck the small knife to his right hand.
It's easy, isn't it? All I have to do is overpower her while she's sleeping.
Jon's head clouded with worry. If he messed up, what would he do? If he found out he didn't love her as much as he thought, what would he do with a child on the way?
Dany is dead. I need to move on.
Jon knelt down, and was about to start crawling through the curtained door. Something was off. The hole had been wrenched open, and he knew it wasn't him oof Erid. He quickly threw himself through the hBut someone already beat him To her. The man stood above the sleeping Erid, ready to grasp her when he tackled the man, bringing down the entire tent. He heard she sleepy groans of Erid as the man below him tried to fight Jon back. Jon sat on his chest, landing punches to his face and throat before the man finally called out he gave up. During all of this, Erid watched intently.
Jon got up and off the man, delivering a swift kick to his behind to get him up and out of the destroyed tent. No one had come out to investigate, and the camp was silent once more.
Jon turned to Erid after picking up the blade and slipping it to his pocket. He ran towards her seized her around the waist, as she gave a small squeal in shock. "I've claimed you mine now."
Erid gave him a smirk, "What makes you think that, Snow?"
      "Ive fought off another man for your hand, and I've got you overpowered." He squeezed her lightly, carefully not around her abdomen.
      "As long as you can hold down what you've gotten, and can provide smart boys, then you've claimed me indeed, Jon Snow." She strung her arms around his neck, as the two kissed eachother underneath the moon.
Erid took Jon's hand and placed it onto her stomach with a smile. "In just nine full moons." She whispered, the secret hung in the air between them.
"Well congratulations Snow, you're a real wildling man now." Thormud laughed, giving Jon a slap on his shoulder.
Jon sat in the tent he had built more sturdy for the two of them. Technically three now. Erid was out with the women of the village. News of her pregnancy had spread quickly with such a close community.
Will this make me happy again? Will it just turn bitter?
Am I even happy with Erid, or am I trying to move on from Dany?
      "Jon!" Erids lifted voice called out to him. "We have someone here to see you..." she trailed off.
Jon bursted through the hut's flaps and saw a Stark man.
      "How did you-" He was cut off by a man handing him a waxed letter of the Stark grey dire wolf.
      "From your sister Lady Sansa in Winterfell, before her departure to Kings Landing."
Erid cling to Jon's arm, staring at the letter.
      "Why every would my sister go there?"
The man turned and left, leaving Jon with half the village staring at him.
Jon opened the letter.

Dear Jon Snow,
I hope this letter is received by you before it's too late. The dragon queen is alive, and having been brought back in Volantis. She is gathering her armies and plans to strike Kings Landing once more. I beg you brother to come to Kings Landing, and help us in our cause.
Your sister, Queen Sansa Stark.

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