Chapter 24

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Sansa sat at an outside table, enjoying the sun of Kings Landing. She had invited Erid, for when she had her children, her and Jon would be leaving for Dragonstone. She heard the footsteps on the worn limestone tile, as Erid turned the corner with a smile.
      "I'm so glad you can make it." Sansa smiled back.
      "Thank you for having me. I'm still getting used to these castles." She spoke, pulling back the spiraled back chair.
"Of course."
Servants carried out orange cinnamon tea, with sweet biscuits and fig tarts soaked with honey.
"So you're due any day now?" Sansa asked, lobbing a spoonful of honey into her tea.
"That's what Samwell thinks." She nibbled on a tart. She looked to Sansa, "What about you? Just one more month right?"
Sansa smiled with a nod. "Our children will be good friends."
"I do hope so." Erid responded, sipping her tea. The two talked back and forth over their tea and desserts, until Erid paused for a second, her face twisted into pain.
"What? What's wrong?" Sansa asked, getting up from her chair.
She clutched her stomach as she let out a cry, "I'm going into labor." She choked out.
Sansa quickly got up, helping Erid up as well. "We need a midwife!"
Erid was brought to a bed, laying back as her labored breaths filled the room.
"Get Jon!" Sansa yelled to a servant, as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. "It's gonna be okay."
Erid's face twisted into pain, another contraction. Samwell rushed into the room, essence of nightshade in hand with a glass of water. He handed placed a single drop in, handing it to her. She gulped at the water, as her fists balled at another contraction.
"Get the midwife. The contractions are getting closer. She's having these babies now." Jon threw open the door and rushed to Erid's side, the midwife followed in.
"How are you doing?" Jon asked, as Erid glared at him.
"How do you think."
"I'm going to need you to start pushing Erid." The midwife spoke, moving her dress away.
Jon held out his hand, Erid gripped it and squeezed, Jon's face twisted into pain.
After several long pushes, the girl was born first. The midwife handed her to Sam to be cleaned, before immediately setting her on Erid's chest.
"A few more pushes, the boy is coming!" She spoke, guiding the baby's head.
Erid let out a cry, pushing as the other child was born. The midwife went to clean the child before stopping.
"Somethings wrong."
Everyone in the room turned to her and the baby. The child was smaller than his sister and grey.
"He's not breathing." The midwife spoke, holding the child's nose and breathing air into his mouth.
"What's wrong with my baby." Erid cried, clutching the screaming pink babe at her chest. Jon placed his hands on her, so she wouldn't try to get up out of the bed.
The midwife and Sam spent the time trying to start the child's lungs breathing again, but to no succession.
Sansa held onto Erid's hand, her she brimmed on tears for her. A lost child.
The midwife turned to Erid, her old face wasn't joyful as it once was.
"I'm so sorry. A stillborn. His sister must've developed more than him, and took the nutrients.
Everyone was silent, except the baby girl searching for Erid's breast. Erid began to cry, as Jon wrapped his arms around her and their girl. He muttered over and over again 'it's okay. It's not your fault.'
Sansa looked to Samwell and the midwife, "Please, leave the boy here and allow the parents to grieve in peace."
The group left, closing the door behind them. The sounds of wails filled the room.

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