Chapter 6

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"Erid, Please." Jon groaned. There his tent partner was, swinging long claw around as a child would a wooden sword.
"So this is your fancy king sword?" She smirked, impairing the ground with the blade.
"Yes. It's a very rare and valuable metal that barely anyone knows how to work." He reached over her and grabbed the hilt of the sword, freeing it from the frozen ground.
Over the past few days, her advances has become more and more prominent. Jon himself tried to hide his thoughts but at times they slipped through. She'd even taken the liberty to sleep with no underclothes on under her furs.
"Well what in your seven gods name are you doing then?" Thormud rode next to Jon, on a hunting party for the elk that rode North.
"Don't you think it's far too soon." Jon grabbed the reins of his steed, while adjusting the string of his bow.
"You're thinking in your kneeler taught mind." Thormud snorted. "In our culture we see a woman, and we claim her. It's just as simple as that."
"Well then." Jon looked down to see if Ghost had followed them, to break the awkwardness.
"You're lucky he sent you north. Here you can take a wife who'll pop out a few sons for you."
Jon hadn't thought about children in his life, as he always assumed he would be the bastard on the wall.
"Why haven't you, Thormud?" Jon asked.
      "Well, I've been in battles all my life, I never wanted to leave a wife and kids without a father." He paused. "But maybe it's time I settle down." Thormud glanced to Jon, "You had best claim Erid before I do myself."

     The fires were dying outside the camp, and the night was clear and crisp. Jon sat outside, his black cape cloaked around him with a bear fur pelt. From behind him, the crackling of snow made itself known. Ghost appeared from behind the tent, walking over to Jon and laying down next to him, placing his head on Jon's lap.
      "Where've you been buddy." Jon smiled and gave the white wolf a scratch behind the ear. He only grunted in reply.
The embers of the fire casted enough light to make out the shapes of the camp. Most were retiring to their huts, but a figure made way towards Jon.
      "It's a bit cold out here, Jon Snow." Erid's voice carried to him.
      "Aye. But it's nice." He withdrew his cape and the furs, inviting her underneath. With a grin, she seized her opportunity.
Jon Snow was surrounded underneath the cape and furs by Ghost and Erid. Ghost being fast asleep, as he and Erid talked while looking at the sky.
      "So, Snow. Do you have a lady waiting for you back in your southern land."
      "Not anymore." He spoke flatly, almost becoming numb to it.
      "How long has it been?"
      "A week or two maybe." He glanced to her, noticing her staring at him.
      "That's interesting." She spoke, landing a hand on his inner thigh.
Jon tensed, his mind running with what Thormud said. Dany. Even Ygritte. They're both gone.
Jon returned the gesture, planting his hand in her lap.
      "How many times have you been with a woman, Jon Snow?" She whispered in his ear.
      "Maybe twice. Enough to be good."
Erid's hand moved up, "Is that so?"

Jon was awoken to the door flap to the hut being thrown open. His eyes squinted to adjust to the new light. He went to cover his eyes, but something was laying on his arm. With a glance, he saw the nude Erid asleep on his chest. He heard Thormuds laughter in his groggy state.
      "Took my advice, son?"
He let out a unknown mutter as Thormud closed the flap. From there, Erid took a deep breath, throwing her slender arm around Jon's chest. He laid there, holding her, not without thought to last night. But did it really make me feel better?
Erid's eyes slowly opened to stare at Jon.
      "Good morning mister Snow." She smirked, bringing his attention down to her. She sat up and stretched, getting on top of Jon in the process.
      "We could just hide in here for today. None would even suspect." She laid her head on his chest as he smiled.
      "Aye, but Thormud already saw us both in our birthday suits."
Her grey eyes twinkled as she laughed, he felt his heart skip in his chest.
As she dressed herself, Jon was deep in his thoughts. When has love ever not hurt me? Will I be happy once more to forget? Or to have it stripped from me again?
      "Jon." Erid spoke, bringing his attention to her.
      "Are you okay?"
Jon nodded, getting up and putting an arm around her.
      "I'm wonderful."

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