Chapter 30

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Jon knocked quietly on Sansa's door, hearing a muffled voice, her entered. There lay his sister in bed with her son.
"He looks very healthy." Jon smiled, approaching her. The babe held Korb's thick black hair, with Sansa's icy blue eyes.
"His name is Kob. Kob Eddard Stark. Named after his father and my own."
"He would be very proud of you." Jon sat on the edge of her bed. "I heard what happened."
"Korb came to me." Sansa spoke, staring down at the babe. "He told me it wasn't my time yet."
Jon's gaze softened, placing a hand on her shoulder.
      "He's looking out for you and his child." He gave her a hopeful smile. Sansa returned it, moving the wisps of black hair from the baby's forehead.

Jon walked into his room, seeing Erid and Lyanna laying down together. Lyanna held fist fulls of Erid's copper hair, smiling and cooing.
      "How are my girls today?" Jon smiled, throwing himself into the feather bed.
      "Little lady Lyanna thought my face would be a lovely pacifier. And now she thinks my hair is the most amusing toy." Lyanna let out a screech of joy, seemingly agreeing. Jon picked her up and swung her around, Erid shooting him a glare.
      "Her head!"
      "I know darling." Jon smiled, as Lyanna crawled up and rested her head on Jon's shoulder.
      "It's so nice outside, why don't we go on a walk?" Erid stood up, her thin white gown blowing in the wind of the open window.
      "That sounds nice." Jon spoke, handing Lyanna to his wife. "I had some food being sent up though, let's eat and have Lyanna nap."
      "That sounds even better." Erid smiled, taking the babe from her husband. A small knock at the door sounded out, as Jon answered it. A small brown skinned girl carried in a large tray, setting it on the table Erid sat at.
"Aw, I haven't seen you around." Erid smiled at the little girl. "What's your name?"
      "Maeva. Maeva Sand." The girl smiled, her Afro bobbing up and down as she spoke. Silently, she exited in a rush.
"Strange. She must be new." Erid glanced onto the tray. "Aw Jon." She smiled. "My favorite! Honey soaked figs!" She smiled, taking a bite. Baby Lyanna reached her hands up to take one from mom, but Jon snatched her from Erid's arms.
"Let's let mother eat this time." Lyanna agreed by balling up her tiny fist and smacking Jon.

The warm sunset heated the couples backs, as they walked in the gardens of Kings Landing. Jon held the bundle Lyanna was tucked in, while Erid held onto his arm.
"Tomorrow, we set sail for Dragonstone." Jon smiled, looking down at his wife.
"Already!" Erid smiled. "What about your sister?"
"Tonight we'll all feast together. Then in early morning we'll be on a ship. It should only take a few days." Jon looked down to his daughter with a smile.
"What's Dragonstone like?"
"A huge castle, built by the Targaryens. It's practically impenetrable. They used the old Valyria building designs."
The couple began looping back, expecting dinner to be soon.
"I'll miss these gardens." Erid sighed, staring at the flowers.
"Then I'll build you a bigger and better one." Jon smiled, holding open the door to the keep.

Their last dinner in Kings Landing was extravagant as ever. Roasted swans stuffed with mushrooms and oysters, honey and ginger partridge, crabs boiled in hot dornish spices, and sweet grass salad, topped with candied peaches and pine nuts.
"Who are these cooks? Excellent. What a grand idea to have them from different regions." Bronn spoke, shoveling a partridge into his mouth.
"I sure will miss this cooking at Dragonstone." Jon smiled, as Erid returned it.
      "I'll be sure to visit in Dragonstone. I've heard it's breathtaking." Sansa smiled.
      "Leaving so soon? Your babe is only a month." Brianne glanced over to Erid.
"Aye. Samwell checked her out, said she was good and strong. Just like her mother, a fighter. Nailed me right in the face just today." The table let out a chuckle, delving into their meals once more.
It was late at night, everyone had stayed up longer than their usual, drinking and laughing amongst each other. Jon and Erid strode up the stairwells together, entering their room. Maeva sat in the room, reading a book. Once she saw the couple, she sat up.
"She was very good tonight. Not a single fuss."
Jon and Erid thanked her as she headed out of the room, embarking down the dark staircase. Erid flopped into bed, crawling under the warm blankets as Jon followed, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"There's ravens in Dragonstone, this won't be the last you'll see of us." Jon spoke to Sansa, who was on the brink of tears. She laughed.
"That doesn't mean I won't miss you." They hugged, as Erid walked down to the pier with Lyanna.
"Ready to go, darling?"
"Aye. I've said my goodbyes."
From there, the two boarded the ship. Just as they lifted anchor, they saw Maeva leave the keep, holding something. She threw it into the air as it took flight, a raven.
"What could she be sending?"
"I don't know. I don't have a good feeling about it though." Jon spoke, placing a protective arm around Erid.

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