Chapter 29

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Baehra let out a tiny roar, as Daenerys held out a piece of goat meat for her.
      "Dracarys." She whispered.
With a puff of grey smoke, she unleashed a ring deep blue flame from her mouth, effectively heating her dinner. She gulped it down, tipping her head at Daenerys.
"My queen, the unsullied ships are arriving in port. They crossed difficult waters to be here." A soldier called. Daenerys turned, her white caped gown flew in the breeze.
"I'll be right out." Baehra climbed up and onto Dany's arm, perching herself on her shoulder. The soldier accompanied her to the dock, people lined the streets to see their mhysa. She caught sight of the massive ship, it's billowing white sail came alive in the wind of the sea, snapping and rippling. She stood at the edge of the dock, watching the ship pull into the port. From the deck, Grey Worm stood, tall and proud at the bow of the ship.

Grey Worm approached his queen, getting down to one knee in respect.
"Arise." Daenerys spoke, as he stood back up once more.
"My queen, how is this possible." Grey Worm spoke, observing Daenerys in disbelief.
"A red priestess in Volantis, she brought me back." Daenerys paused, looking to the general of all her forces. "You've always been loyal to me. That means something now more than ever." Grey Worm nodded his head. Behind his stoney stature, a smile was hidden.
      "Please, unload our troops. Did the Dothraki stay?" Daenerys spoke, Baehra nuzzled against her cheek.
      "Yes. We'll unload immediately and begin battle plans." Grey Worm spoke, as the unsullied began to file out of the ship.

      "We need to wait. Two to three years at the very least." Daenerys spoke. She sat at a table with Daario and Grey Worm, sipping at her spiced tea while they dined over honey coated quail, seasoned with eastern spices that burnt the tongue.
      "Why wait? Why give them time to prepare?" Grey Worm spoke, taking a leg of the cooked bird.
      "I refuse to go into battle pregnant." She spoke, staring down at her belly. "When my child comes of age, they will ride Baehra next to Drogon and I."
      "My queen, you are pregnant?"
Daenerys nodded. "The future of house Targaryen is secured."
      "We need to do something about Jon Snow's girls." Daario spoke, pouring himself another cup of wine. "That baby could threaten your rule."
      "I won't murder a babe. When I get my hands on them, I'll give the child to an orphanage. She'll never know where she came from, who her parents were."
Grey Worm nodded, standing up from the table. "I'll be doing a headcount of our soldiers. Those years are enough time to have more trained."
      "Thank you, Grey Worm." Daenerys spoke as he left the room.
      "How big will your dragon be by then?" Daario asked her, moving his chair closer.
      "The size of a horse. Our child won't ride her until they're more grown."
Daenerys smiled at the thought. Her child riding alongside her on dragon back. A thing never thought possible.
      "My queen. The Greyjoy's will be sailing in shortly." A solider called, walking into the main room of the pyramid. Daenerys stood up, and began walking towards the door to meet her ally.

The kraken sail came into view, as Daenerys short hair blew in the wind. It was just above her shoulders now, but she had left it without braids. Daenerys sported Yara on the deck, as a smile was brought to her face. A new hope swelled in her, a feeling long lost almost a year ago. She would take revenge on Westeros, and remake the iron throne from the swords of all seven kingdoms that would dare to oppose her.

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